My first Super Soil Run

you see the sativa in those hph lol its GNARLEY to think there toped and super cropped and planted horizontaly
also the smell in the room is REDICULOUS i get this strongggg lemon cleaner smell mixed with the smell of my sharksbreath
so whats an average yield per bucket do you guys think? my guess is between 5-7 oz per bucket
It's adds a Great smell and taste to the finished product, no doubt...
I've just got to find the shit Cheaper! lol $8 local scammers
yep, it enhances the smell and taste w/o overkill... It's a subtle thing..
Last grow was mostly bagseed, but it turned out tasty after the cure...
I think Sucanat is just the brand name. Around here I can't find any. Trader Joe's has a moist "Dark brown sugar" for $3 which I think is unrefined because it looks like muscovado sugar. I think muscovado is an ethnic/brand name because it's pretty hard to find as well.
Sucanat is the brand name standing for SUgar CAne NATural if you have access to products like sugar in the raw then your good just make sure its unrefined usually in the organic isles im actually looking into this stuff my local store has thats malaysian sugar the stuff is like almost black
Same brand that makes the dark brown I have:

well then I guess it's not the same. It's gay that trader joe's doesn't carry sucanat even though it's made by the same brand.

I think Rapadura & Muscovado is actually purer than Sucanat:

Although very similar in appearance and taste, Rapadura is made by just evaporating the water from the organic sugar cane juice. Sucanat is manufactured in a way that the sugar stream and the molasses stream is separated from each other and then carefully re-blended to reach a consistent product. The taste and appearance of Rapunzel's Rapadura on the other hand can vary according to sugar cane variety, soil type and weather. But it is a whole product in its true sense.

Apparently Sucanat is also a brand name for Muscovado. This is confusing as hell.
Online, For Sure, is the least expensive way.... I don't know about the other products mentioned, but
I'm about to order Sucanat in bulk. I've tried Sugar In The Raw, it's HI turbinado sugar. I use Sucanat
for my coffee, tea, and some baking, and of course during Bloom. I prefer it's taste over "SITR", but
that's just my taste... and .02. Either Way, ATB!

Small update

jtr.jpg If you can tell there is visible standing trich's at day 15 on the leaflets.

bh.jpgThese Blue Hash are wrecking shop. Loving the SS