My first trip down the rabbit hole...

We have some spawn already in the golden teacher bag. Only been 4.5 days. Other bags are still quiet but the smell of the closet tells me good things are happening in there lol
Got the hpoo. Looks like we got almost an entire 5 gal bucket full so that's cool. It's been raining a lot lately so its a touch moist, but the decomp looked about right. Were suppose to have sun for the next week so we will be drying the poo outside in the sun. The tent should b here friday so were cleaning the room and getting that setup so we can find appropriate fruiting bins. All of the bags except the PE seem to have something going on inside them. One has a bit of green already tho so I'm nervous. Hope its not the damn green forest mold. Not sure how I coulda got any contam tho considering I used a glove box, lysol spray, 99% iso and flame sterilized the needles. Just have to wait it out and see what happens I guess.
yeah, it is a shame his photos don't show anymore, but it is the same tek I used to grow this...

All you could of needed was a little mad hatter action figure to place atop of that incredible shroom. Talk about wonderland.
Nice big shroom there!

Alright so far we have action in 3/4.
PE - Nothing visable
GT - Good colonization going, already got some large mycelium patches @ 1 week
TC - Colonizing, but possible contamination. Looks to be the dreaded forest green mold. Will give it time to see if the mycelium can out run it, or if its actually contam/me just being a noob.
Hawaiian - Colonizing well, slightly behind the GT.

I'll get some pics when I can but I was wondering how long I should wait to shake the spawn bags and distribute the mycelium?
guy was just on the news...he couldnt breath...his sinuses and so on were plugged solid with magic mushrooms that grew from spores enhailed...wear a resporator!!!!!!
guy was just on the news...he couldnt breath...his sinuses and so on were plugged solid with magic mushrooms that grew from spores enhailed...wear a resporator!!!!!!

I need a link to believe this lol are you aware of how many bacterial organisms are around us on a regular basis? I'm just not buying it happening lol

even Paul Stamets supports my view. PG125

millions of these things always around us. What I worked with was far less than what I'm exposed to on a regular basis.
guy was just on the news...he couldnt breath...his sinuses and so on were plugged solid with magic mushrooms that grew from spores enhailed...wear a resporator!!!!!!

What? The news claimed that mushrooms grew in the guy's sinuses? Ummm..... I don't think so, now his sinuses could be plugged by the spores themselves and he could have gotten pneumonia from inhaling spores and there is a mushroom worker's disease that involves spores but it probably has nothing to do with anything growing in the guy's body.
I need a link to believe this lol are you aware of how many bacterial organisms are around us on a regular basis? I'm just not buying it happening lol

even Paul Stamets supports my view. PG125

millions of these things always around us. What I worked with was far less than what I'm exposed to on a regular basis. was the subject of a corse @ g/f s nursing conference....FACT. take it or leave it.
Lets just say its highly unusual and not something one would generaly worry about.
Spores can however cause allergies and other problems, so learn to harvest early enough.
I have encountered mushrooms that will live on rotting flesh, I have found mushrooms sprouting from a dead rabbit and another growing from a partialy decomposed squirel. Except for the goulish concept they mushrooms were delightful looking (I have no idea what they were). While I know for certain that fungus will grow on living tissue and most certainly on dead skin, I find it hard to believe that the conditions could be right for any of the mushrooms spoken of here to grow on a living body. The ph is likely different, the nutritional requirements, the fact that even a deficient immune system would have no problem destroying fledgling mycelium even if that mycelium could manage to invade living cells.
While I have seen far too many bizarre things in my life to categoricly deny the possiblity of something like this happeneing, I simply don't see how it could.
hey buy the right thing the first time it will last forever. Or get one with a seal that wears out after 50-90 runs.
Looks like only Hawaiian and Golden Teacher are going to be successful, nothing good on the TC or PE. So I ordered some other strains to try with the PC and wbs. B+, Freestone Texas, Albino A+, and PES Amazonian. Thinkin about doing wide mouth quart jars, 2/3rds full. My PC can hold 10 so that's a plus. I will then inoc 8 with syringes and the remaining 2 with G2G from GT and Hawaiian. Just don't think I'm going to have enough spawn if I don't add some reinforcements.
Damn. You went from having a laid back "hobbyist" approach to brandishing the mentality of a WW2 general facing the world wide forces of normalcy. Nah, I didn't see this happening at all. Not one bit.
Hey I like canning too lmao

As long as I don't have to start calling you granny Someguy15. I don't blame you though. I would've brought a big canner/pc if I had that budgeted at the time. I also went and got 4 more strains when my initial inoculations began to look as though they would go sideways. Enjoy yourself. And also take pleasure in knowing that you will achieve in bringing yourself this little bit of happiness. Made with your own two hands. No one can take that from you.
I'm out.