Auto drip irrigation components.
4m of 13mm ID flexi PVC hose
60L tote with lockable lid
3x13mm T connectors
Hailea HX-1500 water pump
Segmental timer.
created rings and hole punched them, connected each end of the ring to the T connector.
drill 16mm hole in 60L tote lid for hose to exit.
Place tote where you want it and feed flexi hose into your area leaving enough to reach into your tote and connect to your pump (which should be mounted in the tote at its lowest point)
feed flexi pipe into tote through the 16mm hole and connect to pump.
fit T connector on the end of the flexi from tote into area.
small equal length pieces of flexi hose from T on supply pipe to each T on the dripper rings.
Place dripper rings around your plants base stalk.
connect pump to timer and test for dripping and time so that you can adjust timer to desired run time.
Fill tote and test.
you can if you want to add an air stone or second pump to keep nutrients moving (I’ll be stirring mine each day I empty the run off.
I have a brand new sink bowl to catch my runoff as it Holds more water than my 2L jug I normally use for catching runoff.
I will be connecting this up later and running twice daily feedings using this.