my first.

Hey hows it goin guys, ive been researching on:fire: here for a wh ile and just wanna show you what i got and any advice. I'm doing the whole process with a 75w 6500k cfl 24 inch strip light setup in a rubermaid tub just started vegging and dont have buds yet but they are stanky!
It stays 70 degrees and humidity is about 35 to 40,
I'm useing a holloween decoration airpump for ventalation and it works great!
Feed it a slight regiment of all purrpose mg and going to up the does to 1/2 strength in about a week or so. there about 2 1/2 weeks now and things are going great. my light schedual is24/0 still gunna let them bush out alil more then gunna switch nutes so hey everyone tell me what you think and open for suggestions :wall:



Hello and welcome aboard.
I'm also new member here and feeling glad to be a part of it.Hope we will have some good time together. :)


Well-Known Member
That's a nice looking seedling! I don't use cfls so I can't give you any advice other than don't overwater, don't overnute and don't overheat. :)

I wish you luck! Hope to see some new photos soon.
Yea wasnt sure on the soil so i just used some organic stuff thanks for all the input guys, and its.just a bag seed, and do yall think i should top them off already?


Well-Known Member
If you top it now, it'll only be half an inch tall LOL
Be careful with your nutes, the soil should have enough to keep them going for the first 2-3 weeks.
If you top it now, it'll only be half an inch tall LOL
Be careful with your nutes, the soil should have enough to keep them going for the first 2-3 weeks.
Yes i was almost afraid to introduce the mg nutes i only used a 1/4 or the recommended dose andt was barley a pinch lol. i use so fox farms nutes but dont have a local store that sells it. so ima order online when i can, but thanks a bunch for the info, i also have a cheap and easy way to hang those singal cfls with a coat hanger and some electric tape ill post here soon
Tru thanks i kinda knew that it was too.early for toping, ill listen to anything mr ganja has to post cuz hes got the good info along with the other senior members they know.whats up thanks for the info!


Well-Known Member
Looks good. Nice work.

I would also say be careful not to over feed. MG all purpose nutes work great and are fast acting. More nutes does not always equal more growth, especially when in such a young stage.
I am first time to visit this site which is very interesting and all the information about the wheat and other more knowledge by all I decided to join this forum very soon for taking all the benefits.
update of my plant... the one with water was a week.ago about 7 days and the one i just toom looks good leaves are a dark green almost blue


Well-Known Member
Too much dark green is a sign of excess N, so be careful.
Also good to get in the habit of not splashing on the leaves, because later on, you might splash some nutes on the plant and burn her.


Active Member
i would use a drip feeder so that u dont over feed your plant an i wouldent try to to top that plant unless u have more ready to go but if u do decide to top wait till its almost a foot tall or so looks good GL!
Well i flora feed with strait water and nute the soil, transition every 3 days or depending how dry the soil gets but otger than that i just let them do there thing