my fist journal

Active Member
everything is going good should have better pics up in a couple days they are growing fast finaly taking nutes in cuz my tds is going down im starting to get excited i hope i dont mess nuthin up im using cutting edge nutes im hearing good things about them my temp has been stayin at 78 cuz my lights are on at night



Well-Known Member
thats a neat little grow cab you got there. real stealthy. your setup is looking nice. what strain did you go with.


Well-Known Member
those are some nice indica looking plants there. good luck. i really like your setup. looks very professional. Rep +

Active Member
im thinking of flowering them now should i top them before i start flowering i heard if you mess with them like topping and trimming leave the stress makes them be males is this true. and what kind of flower enhancer should i use and do the sweeteners work thanks

Active Member
they are looking good the og clone took off ive had to trim some of the indica leaves they were so big they were longer the plant was tall and super wide fingers im getting excited about them i started flowering today i want to see which ones will be female

