My Flowering Pumpkins.


Well-Known Member
This is my first attempt at growing pumpkins and they seem to be going well after some transplant problems,it looked like they had sum kinda fungus but the new growth is perfectly healthy.I have been feedin with sum fish emulsion and i just purchased sum Power feed and Seasol. 2 of the 4 plants are flowering (only male atm) although i spotted 1 immature female flower.I'm bloody excited about gettin sum pumpkins but also nervous bout the whole pollination process,ill prolly end up doin it by hand just to make sure.Just thought id mention i also planted sum tomato,capsicum,endive,petunia and snapdragon seeds today.
Any suggestions or tips anyone?



Well-Known Member
Actualy it looks great... as long as it doesn't spread I'd leave them for the plants to reabsorb the minerals. I'm haveing a hard time to keep the sun from burning mine to death. (little smaller than yours still). Every day they look like microwaved lettuce, and then by the evening they stand all pretty again...


Well-Known Member
Thanks,yeh we've been havin sum pretty high temps of late here too,up round mid-high 30's (or mid 90F dependin on where u are). U cant put up sum shade cloth or anything? i tell u wat they really drink up the juice, i give em 10-15L every 3-4 days,i also water and feed the ground in front to give em sum nice fertile soil to stretch to.
Any pics of urs ANC?


Well-Known Member
Mine are in pots :/ will take some pics later when they recover a bit from the sun...

well we had 40 105F in the shade on sunday...

I give them a bit of water in the morning then a big lot when the majo heat just starts to lift, and then I wet the feet again in the evening.

I accidentaly snapped one leaf's stem yesterday :(


Well-Known Member
I forgot about you a bit :O

Here are pics...

The closeup is of the one with the broken leaf stem... still seems green... I am going to try and grow them up those wire trelis things.

They are under ghetto shade cloth at the moment...

The other pic shows more of the setup... The first and last two are english cucumbers (we use alot of those), middle tray has the pumpkins and a ssmall tomato plant in the centre.... not shure which ones anymore (memory of a goldfish), suspect butternut or those yellow patti pan thingies... (I bought alot of seed... will see what comes up where... planted some in soil too under horisontal cages used for growing grapes, but they are babies, also have two growing in a plastic beer cup in the kitchen.. still gotta decide where they must go... they will be realy tender...

Next to them are some large pots with potatos, but there is nothing to see above the ground yet...



Well-Known Member
Yeh they should climb up that trelis no worries (with a little help), once their runners appear and grab a hold of it ull be sweet.Make sure u got a sling or sumthin to support the fruit when it comes in though,whereabouts u located?