My Fourth Grow Aurora Indica And Ak48!


Well-Known Member
can you move it outside??another room away from the main crop??
At least keep it outside long enough to be able to catch some of the pollen.
You can then catch some of the pollen and dust a couple of the smaller buds on 1 or 2 of your OTHER plants to make feminized seeds.
Then you can have a large amount of good quality seeds :bigjoint:
I can't first it's 32 degrees and snowing right now haha and its in an aeroponic system I wouldn't even be able to pull it out without killing it cuz the root ball is so big


Active Member
I can't first it's 32 degrees and snowing right now haha and its in an aeroponic system I wouldn't even be able to pull it out without killing it cuz the root ball is so big
Thats a shame because if this female thats hermied is such a good yielder imagine the seeds it would make??could you make 1 small clone from shim??


Well-Known Member
I already took a clone before I flowered haha and im hopin there might be 1 or 2 seeds on my other females


Active Member
If you can find a clear plastic bag or glass container of some kind to put over the plant, it will live in a little humidity dome for a while. When the pollen sacks pop, you can lift it just a tiny bit, cut the stem, then carefully put a bag under it, put everything in it and tie it up. Then go somewhere farthest away from your grow and collect the pollen off the plant and dome. My friend just uses cotton swabs and zip bags, but there's probably a better method, lol.


Well-Known Member
my smaller plants have bushed out a shitload and the AK is starting to stretch and the big AI looks like it's goin to have some rock solid nugs


Active Member
my smaller plants have bushed out a shitload and the AK is starting to stretch and the big AI looks like it's goin to have some rock solid nugs
Seems like they are doing well. My AI is almost done, harvesting this weekend most likely. Some of the buds are so dense and heavy, I can't wait to see what their dry weight is.


Well-Known Member
is it possible to take a clone that isn't flowering off a flowering plants and not have to reveg? I have branches on my AK that don't have white hairs yet that I would like to clone. as you can see the top is budding vigourously. but will this affect the non budding clone?


Active Member
is it possible to take a clone that isn't flowering off a flowering plants and not have to reveg? I have branches on my AK that don't have white hairs yet that I would like to clone. as you can see the top is budding vigourously. but will this affect the non budding clone?
In my own experience with clones, which isn't much to be honest, you will probably end up having to reveg. Clones can't handle the intensity of the flower lighting. They really need light from either fluoro or small CFL. Clones taken from a flowering plant also take longer to root, but end up being stronger plants once they start to grow again. You'd also want to give it a chance to grow under veg light for a week or two so that it has a chance to grow a little, or until it starts showing steady preflowers.


Well-Known Member
no I want to veg the clone I just don't wanna wait for it to if it has to reveg Wich could take a month to get back on track


Well-Known Member
fuck guys one of my Lights fell and burnt the shit out of my AK, it was the main top too so I just snipped off the burnt part. thankfully that was the only plant that got damaged


Active Member
no I want to veg the clone I just don't wanna wait for it to if it has to reveg Wich could take a month to get back on track
Gotcha, if you're looking for quick results, you most likely aren't going to get them from a clone taken during flowering. Even if the plant doesn't need to reveg, you're probably looking at a good 3 week period from cut until you see new growth.


Well-Known Member
got it to work it's been really fuckin screwy I guess they have a new layout not nearly as smooth as the last I'll post the other pics in a wile