my friend had mold for home made co2 thing


Active Member
and im interested to knw why this happened and i wanna here from smart experienced growers.

his lil set up was 2L bottle or whatever,tblspoon of sugar and tspoon i think of yeast,he ran a lil pluming hose into a bowl of warm water,

said he had mold uder the leaves,let me re-phrase....since CO2 sinks and oxygen is heavier,im curious why he has mold under his leaves,i believe his bowl jst sat on the ground......


Active Member
well then why is ther mold?....i actually am really stoned and am curious and was thinking about it...since im about to make a setup but using a legit piece


Well-Known Member
Mold happens, and is more likely to happen in places of high humidity. Most likely he doesn't have a fan in his grow area, and he doesn't have his humidity under control. Sugar/Yeast mixes are mildly beneficial to plants, and I recommend using them in your grow space.

Generally speaking, higher humidity is sought after in vegetation phases. And it is a struggle to keep low during the flowering phase.


Active Member
and im interested to knw why this happened and i wanna here from smart experienced growers.

his lil set up was 2L bottle or whatever,tblspoon of sugar and tspoon i think of yeast,he ran a lil pluming hose into a bowl of warm water,

said he had mold uder the leaves,let me re-phrase....since CO2 sinks and oxygen is heavier,im curious why he has mold under his leaves,i believe his bowl jst sat on the ground......
Needs alot more sugar then a tblespoon , i made a 2 liter up yesterday but i put a cup of sugar and a tblespoon of yeast


Well-Known Member
I'm not a " smart experienced grower " ... But the DIY Co2 Genarator will not have caused mould .... To much humidity in the room ... or a room that allready had mould and was not cleaned befor use will more likely be the cause .

And just want to point out ... you don't need to be a " smart experienced grower " to know about mould mate :)


Well-Known Member
That amount of sugar wouldnt do shit first off and the mold had nothing to do co2 or the mixture.

widdow sensation

Well-Known Member
co2 works great as plants need it this would not cause mold i use a 3 litre coke bottle and use a cup of sugar and three spoons of yeast believe me it helps the plants u can see the yeast working smells like a brewery but u will certainly notice the difference good luck hope all works out for u ws


Active Member
my bad guyz,measurements are obviously off.cup of sugar tblspoon of yeast.THANKS FOR THE HELP
and yess vento u kinda gotta b smart to knw about mold i guess.i didnt really knw wahts up with it,my friend obviously was wrong.
niice,so its not from the co2.

WHY DOES THE BUBBLES GO THE OPPOSITE WAY in the double bubble airlock plastic piece??? its bubblin the opposite way(into the bottle not out)