my "friends" grow room and plants please any advice will help


hello there can any body tell me what they can c is wrong with my plants cus 1 is sagging alot any help will be appreicated thank you

the 2 big 1s are ww and the two lil ones are AF easy bud



Active Member
I don't see anything wrong with them except for the fact that there Super Stretched. What light are you using? MH? How many watts?


Well-Known Member
They might be getting too "stretchy"... What kind of light is that? How many watts? Did you forget to water?


Active Member
Maybe they are male plants?
If using CFL lights maybe lower the light a bit.
Maybe I don't see it, but do you have a fan?
A fun is a must.


Well-Known Member
Yup. He has a fan it is taped to a ken doll in the bottom right corner of the 2nd picture!


im using a 200w floresant bulb i think it looks like a giant size version of those energy saving bulbs you get and what you mean by streched and my setup used to be in a wardrobe so just waiting till i get paid to go get a 7" desk fan and there is also a fan in the pipeing

ps its not ken its THE STIG lol


Active Member
So a 200w CFL. CFl's produce little to no heat. Get that bulb anywhere from 2-4 inches from the tops of your plants and this will reduce stretching.


Well-Known Member
it should be an inch from plants. one inch. i burn my fan leaves from the bulb touching it. close........real close.


Active Member
hate to break it to ya but those might be gone for good? as far as a decent harvest.. u have good enough lighting just not enough reasearch up a bit and get some new seeds? u cud finish these up but there nodes are so far apart


i wasnt looking for a really good harvest only want personals really but heres another pic and i just noticed that half the tubes in my light are really dull went to check if the light was in tight and herd a crack from the bulb socket on the reflector but its still working thank god



Well-Known Member
keep your cfl a couple inches away from the top of your tallest plant to keep from stretching. the nodes (branches) are way too far from each other. idk about just spraying your soil, make sure you water it thoroughly till some water drips out of the bottom of your pot. put a fan in there to blow your plants around a little to strenghthen up your plants and keep your temps down.

what are your temps like anyways? and maybe humidity if you can tell that too??


temp is on average about 25 - 30c and not a clue about humidity and the only reason i been spraying is cus i think i drown my first plant lol