My Future Jungle


Well-Known Member
Plant problems

The first 4 pics are from one plant the white widow that was giving the blood meal tea instead of plain water :evil:.

Pic 5 and 6 are from the g13 haze im not to worried about them i think they just need either mor light down low (which i recently added) or a lil bit of nitrogen or a combination of both.

pic 7 and 8 are from the white rhino and i believe they fall under the same category as the g13 haze.

If you have any info to contribute please do thanks



Well-Known Member
Individual Pics

Pics 1 and 2 are Bagseed

Pics 3 and 4 are the funky G-13 haze

Pics 5 and 6 are the beautiful bushy White Rhino

Pics 7 and 8 are The White Widow

Pics 9 and 10 are Bagseed,trying out an experimental party cup grow like"SICC":blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Group Pics

Pic 1 is with all plants including males before they got the axe all other plants recieved there weekly flush and were just relaxing.

Pic 2 is with the remainder of plants all females yeah 5 out of 7 is not bad. Back into the grow area with a new addition lights at the bottom for the lower growth.

Thanks for checking out my pics until next time dont forget to subscribe and please feel free to ask any questions i will do my best to answer each and everyone Happy Growing.:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone I had a quick question I was thinking about transplanting my babys into something bigger for flowering do you think it is a good idea. When i was doing my weekly flush the other day it looked like my babys needed a lil more room the roots were just circling at the bottom. I also know about the urban legen where your plants hermie if you transplant while flowering from the stress. I believe if your careful you should have nothing to worry about, also how can giving your plants more room to grow stress it out. Also what size containers should I get i was thinking 1 gallon but i happen to find one around the yard stuck an empty 2 litter in it and there was basically no room to grow so that just leaves me with either a 2 or 3 gallon. Also as far as soil should i keep the topsoil or get something else. I know some may say go get foxfarm but i cant get that at the moment but i will try and get it for my next gow. Im not a mg hater but i believe it would be stupid to get soil prenuted so late in the grow and end up with that chemical taste at the end. With that being said any suggestions?


Active Member
Hey everyone I had a quick question I was thinking about transplanting my babys into something bigger for flowering do you think it is a good idea. When i was doing my weekly flush the other day it looked like my babys needed a lil more room the roots were just circling at the bottom. I also know about the urban legen where your plants hermie if you transplant while flowering from the stress. I believe if your careful you should have nothing to worry about, also how can giving your plants more room to grow stress it out. Also what size containers should I get i was thinking 1 gallon but i happen to find one around the yard stuck an empty 2 litter in it and there was basically no room to grow so that just leaves me with either a 2 or 3 gallon. Also as far as soil should i keep the topsoil or get something else. I know some may say go get foxfarm but i cant get that at the moment but i will try and get it for my next gow. Im not a mg hater but i believe it would be stupid to get soil prenuted so late in the grow and end up with that chemical taste at the end. With that being said any suggestions?
I can't offer much in the advice category because I'm newer to growing than you are but transplanting shocks them because they get moved around and the roots don't understand their new barriers. They went from their max limit in a small pot to room to grow in a new pot and it kinda freaks them out. Plus you usually end up turning the pot upside down and moving it around and shaking it and they don't enjoy that much either. If you are very slow and gentle with them and you transplant them just right, they won't get much shock, if any.


Active Member
i think part of the reason for not transplanting during flower besides stress is you dont want the plant working on roots its working on buds


Active Member
i think part of the reason for not transplanting during flower besides stress is you dont want the plant working on roots its working on buds
That makes a lot of sense actually. I figured the roots kept growing though because usually the plant gets about 3-4x it's vegged size during flowering. Hmm...


Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanks for replying so quickly, both of you make some valid points so ill just keep them in the 2 liters and finish up oh and ofcourse ill keep you guys updated.


Active Member
Hey guys thanks for replying so quickly, both of you make some valid points so ill just keep them in the 2 liters and finish up oh and ofcourse ill keep you guys updated.
Make it a trial run. Transplant one of them and leave the rest the same and don't change anything else. If it gets stunted, you'll know better for next time. If it takes off like a rocket and has buds that are WAY better, you'll feel like a genius. That's what I'd do anyway. I have 5 plants going and I'm just kinda learning as I go so I don't mind screwing up a few times.


Well-Known Member
Make it a trial run. Transplant one of them and leave the rest the same and don't change anything else. If it gets stunted, you'll know better for next time. If it takes off like a rocket and has buds that are WAY better, you'll feel like a genius. That's what I'd do anyway. I have 5 plants going and I'm just kinda learning as I go so I don't mind screwing up a few times.
W:ow arnt you a smart one, i dont know how that never entered my mind. Im going to do it on a smaller scalei m gonna transplant the the one in the party cup into a two liter like the others and see what happens. Plus i dont want to delay to progress of the others there coming along great plus there better strains ofcourse and i have a limited supply of those but plenty of bagseed so ill test it out and let you know what happens. Thanks


Well-Known Member
Quick update I decided to transplant the one in the party cup into a one gallong container instead of a 2 liter, so hopefully it works out great no pics today sorry but i will upload some later on this week they all look great getting more beautiful each and every day pistils are showing alot more which makes me happy.


Active Member
W:ow arnt you a smart one, i dont know how that never entered my mind. Im going to do it on a smaller scalei m gonna transplant the the one in the party cup into a two liter like the others and see what happens. Plus i dont want to delay to progress of the others there coming along great plus there better strains ofcourse and i have a limited supply of those but plenty of bagseed so ill test it out and let you know what happens. Thanks
I do what I can. 8-)

That sounds like a good plan. Bigger pot=bigger yield. I know guys like SICC have done some unreal work out of party cups but they'd have probably gotten bigger yields out of 1 gallon containers.

Quick update I decided to transplant the one in the party cup into a one gallong container instead of a 2 liter, so hopefully it works out great no pics today sorry but i will upload some later on this week they all look great getting more beautiful each and every day pistils are showing alot more which makes me happy.
Good deal. I think you're gonna like the results.


Well-Known Member
Hey every one here are the pics that I promised sorry about the quality I must admit I took them in a hurry plus they were alot worse but I managed to edit it until it was somewhat appealing to the eye( next ones will be better i promise). But I must admit i reeeaallyy love the third pic it so nice its a pic of one of my white rhino tops. Anyway pics are just to show you how there doing and how developed they are. The white rhino is starting to get frosty they leaves look like there covered in some sugar (sorry no pic). Everything else is great the widow has made a full recovery. The plant that is transplanted into the 1 gallon pot seems to be doing great. Oh... I did have one problem two plants were really thirsty/underwatered and looked limped so I watered them and within minutes they sprung back to life right in front of my eyes I thought I was crazy for a sec, I thought it would take an hour or so to jump back but it was a wonderful experience

