My garden. :D


New Member
^^^ The canoeing could also mean that the roots are a bit dry. A freshly planted veggie/fruit/herb needs extra water for the 1st week or so. I just had to use a bunch of extra water to get a new wildflower rooted, but now it's back to normal, basically!

Whenever you plant something new, always soak the plant in for the first watering :)


Active Member
Lots of work done in my garden today. I cut back my tomato plant pretty severely and amended more potting soil into pretty much the entire garden then watered. I'm starting potatoes but I'm gonna need a BIG container so I can get a lot.

So I had a bunch of garlic cloves in my fridge in a container that were starting to sprout roots out the bottom and greens out of the top. I figured I'd just add them in too since the soil was all freshly worked. Can't wait to see if they get going good.

Pictures soon of the updated garden.


Active Member
sorry guys meant to take pics sooner. [video=youtube_share;Ox6jSkk0W1A][/video] None yet but soon.
Most of my stuff is doin pretty good but my cucumbers are runts and dying.

I have a compost heap built up now from the grass, roots & dirt I pulled from where I put my garden, as well as skins from fruit the family has been eating, Already added 3 or more coffee cans of stuff i would of usually just thrown away:watermelon rind, banana peels, bruised banana, strawberry tops, cantaloupe rind & seeds.
I use a machete to chop it up, break it down and then move it around by hand. It's some work lol. I should get a pitch fork for this right?
Also in the compost are trimmings from my hedges that's okay right? :S
What are things NOT TO put in compost?
What some things TO put in? add what it adds to it nutrient-wise if possible please.


Active Member
My ethernet cable broke yesterday so no internet on my computer, using the other computer in the house right now. sorry for laggin it on the pics..

edit: got it fixed, pics soon. :D


New Member
^^^ Never put meats or oils into your compost piles. Animal manures are great to add to compost but dog or cat manure is not recommended. You can actualy compost cooked food as long as you follow the same rules as raw, un-used scraps - no meats or oils. So, don't throw out that pot of left over rice or veggies! Put them in your pile, too! Even the liquid! Pour that leftover 24 oz of orange juice onto your pile! Why not? A pile needs some moisture, it's a good thing! Save your coffee grounds, fruit peels, veggie scraps and compost them! You will have less trash, too! Use any whole fruits, etc, too! Sometimes I just buy some fruits and veggies on sale and add them to my compost!! I even put unused sandwich bread in my compost! There's onother rule: if it's organic, it will compost! That means, keep it organic and no matter how you make a pile, it will eventually become compost......the process happens faster if you turn your pile at least once per month! A pitchfork & a shovel are the tools to have


Active Member
Finally got some pics, but they're not sending from my phone fast enough. D:
well here's one.
2012-06-24 18.27.24.jpg

Finally got another pic sent lol.
2012-06-24 18.26.56.jpg

and another! this time the garlic. got 15 of em, 11 of them were planted a few weeks later, don't know if you can see them all lol.
2012-06-24 18.26.39.jpg


Active Member
All my pics are finally coming through. :D here's some more.

The fennel & 2 cauliflower. There's also a spare bell pepper plant that I pulled because I had a pepper starter that had 2 plants in 1 potting. It was slow growth compared to the others,so I pulled it but couldn't toss it & put it here. lol
2012-06-24 18.26.31.jpg

Here's a pic of the full bed from outside.
2012-06-24 18.26.05.jpg


Well-Known Member
Dude, I have so much to learn about gardening it's crazy lol.

What's a good soil mixture for fruits and veggies? Something like 3" of soil.. 3" of compost. I'm still preparing my soil :lol:.


Active Member
Some Black gold organic potting soil & Nu-life mixed compost would be what I would do if I started over.
The more store bought soil there better probably but just go with what you can afford to mix in. Get a tiller of some sort, or a hoe, or even your hands(I kinda like using my hands haha).
Mix in a bag(or more) for every 4x4 square is what I've got. I'd mix a half a bag of the compost for every bag of potting soil and it'd be extra fertile. :D
Try to get a 50-50 or better of this mix to the dirt that's already there. You may want to add some extra perlite or something because the way I do it doesn't drain the best.


Well-Known Member
Just some useful info.

Add the Ingredients
You can compost the following materials easily:
Composting Meat & Dairy

Meat and dairy products are high in fat. They will cause an unpleasant odor if added to a passive pile or poorly-managed active compost pile. For a hot, well-turned compost pile, meat and dairy wastes are not a problem. However, it is better to run the wastes through a blender or food processor to reduce their size and speed their decomposition.

  • Kitchen waste - best to chop up or grind the wastes so that they can be broken down faster
    • Fruit and vegetable wastes - peels, skins, seeds, leaves
    • Egg shells
    • Coffee grounds (including paper filters), tea bags, used paper napkins
    • Corncobs - should be shredded to make them break down quickly
    • Meat/dairy products - see sidebar
  • Yard waste
    • Grass clippings - Some grass is okay, but too much will add excess nitrogen to the compost pile and make it smell bad. It may be best to use a mulching lawn mower for your grass.
    • Leaves
    • Pine needles
    • Weeds
    • Woody materials (branches, twigs)
    • Straw or hay
  • Newspaper
  • Seaweed, kelp or marsh grass hay - If you live by the ocean and it is legal to harvest these, they are excellent, nutrient-rich materials. Rinse or soak them thoroughly in fresh water to remove excess salt before adding them to your compost pile.
  • Sawdust - This is an excellent source of carbon.


Active Member
My garden is kicking some fuckin ass guys. My zucchini & squash are pretty big & flowering, can't wait to get some of that. My tomato has 1 flower, because i've been cutting it back pretty severe, but now its bouncing back with a vengeance so here's hoping for a bunch more flowers soon! bongsmilie

The garlic is thriving, onions are thriving, cabbages and broccoli are huge plants already! I'm seriously lovin this gardening thing. I could get into this even more.
Bell peppers 3-4 are flowering out of 7 and i'm happy because the others are too small right now anyway(i'd pluck the flowers off, they need to be bigger plants first imo.)
Strawberries are doing great and also the fennel!
I'm not sure if I'm missing anything, I'm trying to appreciate all my plants. Oh.. the cucumber, the cucumber has all but died. I am soon to buy a new starter and retry on that, because it's pissing me off trying to save it while the other vinetypes are kicking ass.

Keep your eyes out guys, new pics soon.

my indoor sage is kicking ass so i cut it back severely the other day, because my rosemary just can't keep up. I'm also attempting a clone on the rosemary so it can keep up, but its been 5 days and i'm not sure if it's rooted yet but it's still alive so maybe? ;) I just used shultz rooting powder & stuck in in a pot of fresh soil & a bit of watered down rooting powder in the soil too.


Active Member
Hey bro, how's your garden going?
It's going, I keep forgetting to take pics. lol

My zucchini and squash are going crazy and overtaking my onions and some of my bell pepper plants. At first I was getting tiny little squash and zucchini that were rotting off before getting big.. Idk why but it might be normal. Every time I pick more they grow bigger and better. That's how they're supposed to be right? I got tomatoes comin in, harvested like 5 small bell peppers already, like 10 strawberries as they ripen, Harvested my 4 broccoli hoping for a second smaller harvest.. they weren't big but they were good. except 1 was infested with bugs i had to toss.. My cauliflower got attacked by bugs and lost leaves that protect it from the sun so they turned colors rather than staying white and are no good. Except for the one that's hidden from the sun by the squash & zucchini haha that one is beautifully white and almost ready. Garlic and onion plants are all coming slowly along. Cabbage and Savoy cabbage are coming along too. shit... any thing else?... I lost a rosemary clone and I lost a basil plant. -.-
Indoor rosemary & sage are doing great, outdoor thyme I got awhile back is good.

Pics soon. sorry for no updates. what about you?


Well-Known Member
It's going, I keep forgetting to take pics. lol

My zucchini and squash are going crazy and overtaking my onions and some of my bell pepper plants. At first I was getting tiny little squash and zucchini that were rotting off before getting big.. Idk why but it might be normal. Every time I pick more they grow bigger and better. That's how they're supposed to be right? I got tomatoes comin in, harvested like 5 small bell peppers already, like 10 strawberries as they ripen, Harvested my 4 broccoli hoping for a second smaller harvest.. they weren't big but they were good. except 1 was infested with bugs i had to toss.. My cauliflower got attacked by bugs and lost leaves that protect it from the sun so they turned colors rather than staying white and are no good. Except for the one that's hidden from the sun by the squash & zucchini haha that one is beautifully white and almost ready. Garlic and onion plants are all coming slowly along. Cabbage and Savoy cabbage are coming along too. shit... any thing else?... I lost a rosemary clone and I lost a basil plant. -.-
Indoor rosemary & sage are doing great, outdoor thyme I got awhile back is good.

Pics soon. sorry for no updates. what about you?
I have two serano plants growing nicely. Lots of green leaves about a foot tall or so. Got about 20-30 carrots growing. Something went wrong and alot of them died off about a week ago but now they're doing good. Still watching my tomato plant from seeds grow, I should have bought some that we're already grown a little lol. One of them took off and is getting bigger. It's stem is alot thicker than the rest of them. I got some palms and they look cool. My chinese plum tree (always forget the real name haha) is growing new leaves, can't wait till next season. And I took a littl walk in the woods and found a large group of pecan trees, just wanted to throw that out there since that's awesome haha.


Active Member
I have two serano plants growing nicely. Lots of green leaves about a foot tall or so. Got about 20-30 carrots growing. Something went wrong and alot of them died off about a week ago but now they're doing good. Still watching my tomato plant from seeds grow, I should have bought some that we're already grown a little lol. One of them took off and is getting bigger. It's stem is alot thicker than the rest of them. I got some palms and they look cool. My chinese plum tree (always forget the real name haha) is growing new leaves, can't wait till next season. And I took a littl walk in the woods and found a large group of pecan trees, just wanted to throw that out there since that's awesome haha.
haha that last part is awesome. grats on what is growing, shitty about some of your carrots dyin off.