My garden is kicking some fuckin ass guys. My zucchini & squash are pretty big & flowering, can't wait to get some of that. My tomato has 1 flower, because i've been cutting it back pretty severe, but now its bouncing back with a vengeance so here's hoping for a bunch more flowers soon!
The garlic is thriving, onions are thriving, cabbages and broccoli are huge plants already! I'm seriously lovin this gardening thing. I could get into this even more.
Bell peppers 3-4 are flowering out of 7 and i'm happy because the others are too small right now anyway(i'd pluck the flowers off, they need to be bigger plants first imo.)
Strawberries are doing great and also the fennel!
I'm not sure if I'm missing anything, I'm trying to appreciate all my plants. Oh.. the cucumber, the cucumber has all but died. I am soon to buy a new starter and retry on that, because it's pissing me off trying to save it while the other vinetypes are kicking ass.
Keep your eyes out guys, new pics soon.
my indoor sage is kicking ass so i cut it back severely the other day, because my rosemary just can't keep up. I'm also attempting a clone on the rosemary so it can keep up, but its been 5 days and i'm not sure if it's rooted yet but it's still alive so maybe?
I just used shultz rooting powder & stuck in in a pot of fresh soil & a bit of watered down rooting powder in the soil too.