my girl got balls overnight


i have a big question can anyone tell me why a couple of my girls r growing balls should i remove the from the room:wall:


Well-Known Member
i have a big question can anyone tell me why a couple of my girls r growing balls should i remove the from the room:wall:

It could be a whole range of things that caused that.. if you have other female plants in your flower section and you dont want them pollinated then u should remove the hermies unless you want a ton seeds


Well-Known Member
Also If u have diff strains and want to breed your plants you could move the hermie somewhere else away from the rest of your plants and let the hermie mature then collect some pollen and carefully pollinate an area of one of your females and bam! Youll have some seeds in that area


Active Member
herms pollinate fast, chop the branch or get rid of the plant. probably dont want any hermie pollen to make seeds. could be that this plant just got stressed but it could also mean a genetics problem which are heriditary


is it really possible to do this im 16 days in and it just happened over night, they were great and then boom so its only been around my girls for two days is that still alright


Well-Known Member
its a possibility that your grow space may have light leaks. check your shit for leaks man and patch them up

hermies are caused by stress, so it could be any number of things, but it typically does happen overnight as you said