My Girls


Well-Known Member
Thanks green!! Heres some S.S.H. I just cut and have drying!!
I'm not sure as far as weight goes but it sure is nice looking.. That's one plants worth!! I will cutting it all down within the next week!!



Well-Known Member
wow that nug loooks nicely developed.... my nugs are looking alllot like pods that havnt openned yet.... man those whiteflies are good at stunting growth.... i stlll have some.....but not as many .... i figured it was my garden thats gonna clean it hoping my nug pods open soon.... they look like balls almost..... my girll must have went herm..


Well-Known Member
Those sound like males, Take some pics and lets have a look.. I clean my area everyday, I take everything out and wipe it all down. Those dam white flies probably came from going indoor and out, Try to keep those to separate.. I was doing the same thing on my N.L. until I started noticing insects, So I re potted her and had indoors for the rest of her life.. I dont deal well with bus and Molds..I have pretty thorough when it comesto checking for bugs and Molds....I hope it gets better for you Son!!! Lat sucks but at least you will finish!! LOL! JK!


Well-Known Member
im scared....i dont want to know the truth... i hermed those chicks.... i know it.....any one need mk seeds....?????lols...


Well-Known Member
Show some pics CHeezy. Those budz look good but you may want to trim the fan leaves a litltle more so it doesn't taste so green.


Well-Known Member
I can see them and to me they look like calyxs. They are doing what I have seen on other strains which is form these little calyx branches or lateral buds. They are however, looking good.


Well-Known Member
why wont those calyxs open almost 2 weeks in flush.....i shouldnt of started flushing much longer pops....????


Well-Known Member
LOL!!! Calyxs dont open. THey are the area where seeds grow (plants womb). If the pistils do not come in contact with pollen the calyx will just swell and stay moist with resin hoping for some pollen to come by. I think you are thinking of the pollen sacks of a male plant. They open and release the pollen.


Well-Known Member
Here are some Pics of the Babes, I watered them l with P.H. at 6.5, Temp between 71.5 and 82.3 Humidity at 55%.
They were given 1tbls of Guano and 1 tbls of Seaweed extract (Per gallon). PPM at 560.TDS 600....
They are all doing very well, I transplanted 4 of them into 2 gallon buckets and will be doing the rest soon. They have some very nice and white root masses..Healthy!! I put them into my other area qith the 400 HPS. Two weeks then Flower..

I got 7 more Master x O.G. last night and one O.G. kush, They were all put into 1/2 gallon containers for a few weeks of Vegetative growth then they will be put into the 2 gallon.. They had some very nice root masses, Five days from cut to root. My partner has the easy cloner, Those things are great....

Cant upload Pics for some reason I will have some toady!


Well-Known Member
I have a few Places, Let me know if you need some, as long as you have a rec we might beable to work something out...


Well-Known Member
Heres some Pics of the girls. I transplanted a couple into 2 gallon buckets(5), They took nicely not to much stress.. I will be doing the rest this weekend.. They have been watered with P.H. at 6.5 temp between 73.5 and 82.4 humidity at 55%.. Doing great.. They do get misted once a day..
I have 8 O.G. X Master Kush Clones I just put in soil as well as 1 O.G. they seem to be doing good.. Everyone's in Veg..

I have harvested another crop of GDP, They are some dense ass Crystally as heck nugs.... The last pics of the small ones is the O.G. and O.G. X Master... So thats my story and Im sticking to it!



Well-Known Member
Yea GDP are some studly mfers. CLones are looking to be in good condition. Im sure they will like the 5 gal pots. With a good root mass they will be jamin! How are those buds in the closet? Have you assessed them yet?


Well-Known Member
The Buds in the Closet are in the Hut going off, I will be taking the rest to harvest tonight!! GDP are looking very well, Hopefully Ill have a 50/50 female rate.. I will be cloning them soon! Within the next 2 weeks..


Well-Known Member
They were watered last night with P.H. at 6.5 temp between 72.5 and 86.7, Humidity at 37%, It was over 102 degrees yesterday, Outside I'm glad I have somewhat of a controlled environment..
I will have some pics later...