My Grow Box.


hi, i just recently got my medical card and was trying to grow 6 nice sized plants. my box size is 4ft wide, by 6ft tall, and 2ft deep. i was going for two 250hps lights , or maybe just 1 of them. I was shooting for the plants to be about 2 to 2 1/2 ft tall, and was looking to produce about a quarter pound of dry product. Is this going to work out? Please help out a fellow smoker. any advice or suggestions would be awesome. thank you. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
walk before you run. try less plants first.

more plants of a smaller size is what i would do in that space. 8-10 small plants just one main cola.with 8 plants each one would get 1sqft,

what medium are you using? how you gunna cool the cab?


To make up for the heat, i was going to run my light from 9pm to 9am, when i get into flowering to avoid the hot weather. I was going to get two 8inch fans to use as an exhaust and intake. i was also going to have a little circulating fan in the box as well. :peace: