MY Grow :D


Well-Known Member
Hey guys thought i would show u my grow i know its ghetto but i don't have money to spend so i have used all the things i have around my house
View attachment 2327583View attachment 2327584View attachment 2327585View attachment 2327586View attachment 2327588will this work.JPGalso i am wondering if this would work so my plant will not over grow the space without timing anything which yields bud
they are both 2 weeks 5 days old and looking healthy
i have not started using nutes yet gona give them a few more days
my goal is half a onze per plant anymore than that is a bonus :D
also i can keep the lights 1 inch away from the lighs because i have one of them computer fans aimed at the lights so it cools them to 10degrees lasting i checked :D
and i can adjust the lighs and the hood as the plants grow :D
i don't have alot of money to spend since i go to collage and i dont have a part time job
any tips how to maximize out of the stuff i have please tell me :D
NO trolls please:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't top them yet, but yes... Lower your lights or raise the plants so they don't stretch.
General rule of thumb is if you can put your hand between the light and leaf and not be uncomfortable, it should be OK.
Personally I would hold off at least a week before any nutes, and even then, start at 1/4 of what the instructions say.
Read up on LST'ing, you can keep them to fit the space.

It don't matter what it looks like if it works!


Well-Known Member
:D i allways look forward to seeing if you respond to my threads for some reason :D
and also there were some lower leaves growing on the plant which looks streachy but i removed them because they seemed pointless after doing like 3 hour research deciding if i should do it :D


Well-Known Member
They highest of the light is nice right now, they are not stretching very much. defiantly LST will help you


Well-Known Member
and also i am runing 24/0 untill i see dem buds then going to 18-6 because from what i have read up this is the best light cycle for optimal bud is this correct?


Well-Known Member
well lighting is a little bit of a issue because i was using a 1000w light and there was to much light escaping from my atic so i have to stick to some weaker lights in but i could stretch to 1 maybe 2 more lights (60w) max


Well-Known Member
well lighting is a little bit of a issue because i was using a 1000w light and there was to much light escaping from my atic so i have to stick to some weaker lights in but i could stretch to 1 maybe 2 more lights (60w) max

please dont but a 1000w in there is to small. it will generate lots of heat = no good.


Well-Known Member
yea i found that out when it burnt one of the tips so i then i stop using it straight away and put them on 24 hours rest then it recovered:D also do any of u know were i should get cheap cfl bulbs