lookin' good there, Garrett
I have tryed perlite with good results, if you water once a day! If you add vermiculite in a 50/50 perlite you can
Get great results.
Plain perlite will dry out fast and you should use large buckets thos little one will not cut it
hes a hydro mod lol... If he was first time growing testing some vermiculite id understand but HR is a testing god.. if he says verm works listen to him.Vermiculite shouldn't be used, it holds onto the wrong kind of salts.
Perlite dries out, but if watered daily it should be fine. With hempy buckets a reservoir is kept at the bottom of the pot, and the roots and perlite slowly wick up water from the bottom, keeping the plant from drying out.
The only thing is once a week you HAVE TO flush your hempy bucket out with fresh water. This prevents salts from building up, along with flushing out any stagnant water.
I use coir and perlite for mine though. Perlite keeps it airy, but coir is compressed and easy to store in large amounts.
I really couldn't believe the growth on hempy buckets watered daily like a soil grow, it is completely mind blowing.
yeah nobody even gave this plant a chance to get past veg so honestly its all opinions out right now, probably heard 200 times my plant is gonna rot, not grow and die due to no vermaculite. still looking healthy![]()
I'd also add verm to that, maybe a 3rd to half... Gives you the good drainage of perlite and high oxygen and water from the verm, and still innert.
I've been haveing great luck with coarse verm... for everything from germinating seeds to growing in.
That is bullshit brother, I have a perlite 100% hempy right now runs awesome probably the most trouble free plant I have run. Never an issue or problem with water, just make sure lift to check weight for water and add when needed 2-3 days. Simple. 100% perlite is the best way imho, and many many other do the same. Don't listen to the mindless sheep who cannot think for themselves and because someone whispered "vermiculite" in there ears its the gospel.
Sad. Here is my 34 day old Permafrost in hempy with 100% perlite and dyna gro nutes just like my DWC.
View attachment 2156064
That pic looks amazing! I'm considering using 100% perlite in 1 gal smart pots in a flood/drain setup. I'm just nervous about how much perlite can/can't retain water. I don't want my girls to die because I haven't watered in a few hours. But then I read that people are running hempy grows and only watering every 2-3 days. Forgive me for being a n00b but is that serious? I didn't think perlite retained that much water. Any advice would be helpful.
I can tell you that it's 100% safe mine is nearing harvest and still to this day the most trouble free plant I ever grown in any medium. I will run one off strains in this medium all the time now, it's just that easy and awesome. Cannabis is a dry footed plant so the roots actually prefer the drier medium and it helps with the nasties that can come from too moist.
My two gallon hempy probably will yield three ounces dry and that's not even lst or scrog going which I am doing this next grow in my journal. It will thrive myself and thousands others guarantee it, don't listen to the morons that say you need this and that percentage of that etc.. They all work to some degree and probably more then adequate just that perlite alone is just as good if not better then the stupid concoctions that everyone tries to claim the gospel.
Peace brother see my journal for the permafrost harvest next week when I take pics of roots in perlite etc... To give every doubter a nice slap in there face just for this post.
Oh ya my 2.5 gallon perlites run dry at three days but I usually top off every two, and they will survive many more days if you can't or forget though wouldn't recommend it but you can do larger pots for ore days between waters.
Thanks brother! You're giving me a ton of confidence to start a hempy style grow. I can just imagine how much the roots love the aeration from going 100% perlite. Thanks for your insight and help!!