My Grow Journal (AK-47 and Indica Bagseed)


Well-Known Member
Well i was going to wait til I was done before I posted this but I cant wait anymore...

I got some Ak-47 (SS) from a recent trip to amsterdam and a few i pulled from some dank bagseed (from the looks of the plant I would say it is an Indica)

Youll see how my growroom went from some ghetto shit to ghetto fabulous. This is my first hydro grow. Im using a Aerogarden for Vegging, a heat dome for clones and a grow room for flowering with a DWC from Stealth Hydro. Fox farm and superthrive for nutes with a some GH Floranectar. I also had PH probs in the beginning because I didnt have a PH kit.

These first pics are day 1, week 1, and week 2. I had a bit of nute burn in the beginning.




Well-Known Member
Ph problem was fixed. still had and having problems with nute burn from the aerogarden nutes. im running lights 24/0. the two plants with the pic of their tops are Ak-47


Well-Known Member
This was taken today. i started 12/12. I already have 2 confirmed females. One is Ak and the other is the bagseed. and another one that i suspect to be male (bagseed). 'grow' room lookin a little better....kind of?




Well-Known Member
These are the vegging/clone area. i use the light reflected off of the mylar from the AG for the clones. heating pad underneath. And these sprouts are all AK-47



Well-Known Member
Guess no one is interested?

Anyways, 1 week into flowering now and I have 4 females and 2 males. 3/3 females for the AK47!!!! Im pretty happy with that. I have 2 indica males and just 1 female. Not to shabby in my opinion. I dont want to kill the males because I love the way the plant looks but I also dont want them to seed my plants! Ill probably kill within the next few days.

Some plants still nute burned. Im slowing clipping those away to make room and energy for the buds. Is that ok? I upgraded my grow room again and im almost content with it. I have a grow tent for clones, vegging, and for a mom. I have a 6 space drip system that Ill be adding in a month or two after my next trip to amsterdam :joint: I also got an xtreme lighting 400W HPS with Hortilux bulb.

Temp: 79 F
PH: 5.83
Humidity: 40%
Fox Farm/GH Molasses



Well-Known Member
Oh and with all the shit i have i can join the DWC, AG, 400WHPS, LED, and CFL club!!! so many choices...


Well-Known Member
haha no one replied to this? looks pretty good man. u using led? i want to try led but didnt have chance to try it. u only have 2 cfls and 1 led panel for the flowering setup? u might want more light... they should be getting x4 taller during flowering... 2 more led panels on their sides? lol
edit... didnt c ur hps on the last pics. haha


Well-Known Member
looks pretty good man how you progressed is similar to me. ag to dwc. cfl to hps etc. nice grow check mine if u get a chance


Well-Known Member
I got rid of the LED. I dont think it was helping much and im adding a pic with my 400W. Im 2 weeks into flowering now and I was having some problems again. I dropped the grow big and my plants started to yellow and pretty much stopped growing. I added about 1/2 strength worth and theyre showing some signs of improvement and growing again. 1 Plant grew 3/4" in a day. Ive clipped most of the burned fan leaves away. Im also planning on cutting a couple clones tonight from the AK.

The AG plants are 3 AK and 1 indica. Theyre doing pretty good. Theyre about 2 weeks now. I burned some lower leave foilar feeding. And the last is the males I have yet to kill. Theyre growing pretty good. I keep em in a wet paper towel next to the window and thats all. The big one grew about 6" since I pulled it out. Im still learning alot still...



Well-Known Member
Looking good bro! I'm in my first grow now using AK-47s!

Love the updates, sorry nobody posted hardly.

Is there a reason you're keeping the boy??


Well-Known Member
Thanks to those who finally gave my little grow a notice!

Im finishing up week 2 on my flowering and Im definitely in need of some help/advice. I flushed my plants the other day (salt build up was really bad) and I left it for about 12 hours, Then I changed it out to a fresh batch of FF nutes. The plants seem like they have stopped growing. Theyre growing maybe 1/4" a day and thats on a very good day. The leaves are starting to get a bright yellow too. Ive added some extra N to help if its a deficiency but nothin so far (been about 3 days) The other plants look thin and droopy now too.

The PH is always running about 5.79 - 5.90. I check it twice a day. The temp is usually around 79 in the day and 71 at night. Humidity 35%. Fox Farm nutes with open sesame. Anything else?



Well-Known Member
These are my other babies vegging right now. The 2 big ones are AK so is the little one on the left and the seedlings are bagseed. Can anyone help me with the leaves? Im thinking a calcium deficiency. Any suggestions?



Well-Known Member

Any suggestions? Theyre looking worse today. All Shriveled and really droopy. It looks like the leaves are drying out or just dying.