My Grow Journal


Active Member
Congratz on not checking her.. Bet ya feel proud! :) it's hard having to leave a new born alone for a while eh?!

No, I just meant when its outside there's a lot more light available, so they must grow quicker that's all. Well they always seem to for me.

Don't let people like me influence you into doing other things! (I made that mistake) What you're doing is probably about right for the setup you have. You yourself will understand more than any of us what your plant needs, as you are the one there with her and know her better than anyone else.. ;)

If YOU want to add another light because YOU believe its going to be benefit her and not cause her any harm then, go ahead :) as long as your hand doesn't feel too warm at plant level, it's all kushty :)

In the pic of her "New Home", the light looks pretty far away. You got a measurement of how far? I used be able to easily get my 125W big CFL within 2 inch of the tops of mine, but i always make sure there is an active airflow around it. But that was my own conditions. Yours may be different obviously. Just put your hand in between the cfl and your little girl and see what its feeling! :)

I would see how close you can comfortably get one for now, the heat of two might be too much. If you do, just make sure you check and keep an eye on her.

She's looking good, I'm subbed on this thread, I want to see you pull this off!

:) !Keep up the good work! :)
Thanks! When I did add another light the temp was a little to high. Like 97-99. I will have to add another fan if I do that so once she gets a little bigger I will. I would plant my next seeds outside but fall is coming. I will have to check upcoming temps and get a second opinion.


Active Member
I'm glad you checked and didn't leave her like that.. I used to think that cfl's didn't give off a lot of heat, but when you start bunching them up in a small space, the heat quickly becomes obvious. how far you got the light roughly?


Active Member
I'm glad you checked and didn't leave her like that.. I used to think that cfl's didn't give off a lot of heat, but when you start bunching them up in a small space, the heat quickly becomes obvious. how far you got the light roughly?
About 2-2.5 inches. I'm going to try to upgrade to a grow tent eventually before the year is over with.


Active Member
Sorry for asking, but it just looked further away in the picture. I would highly advise it. I'm high on my own supply thanks to my tent! Time for bed-time boodah :)


Active Member
Okay guys here is a picture of her now. DEF bigger! The leaves do look kind of funky to me though. A weird color maybe? I can't put my finger on it so hopefully you guys can give me a second opinion! :D We got off to a slow start but it looks like things are moving along. I just hope she is healthy. What do you guys think?


And also another question: my boyfriend got me a 45watt CFL but I forgot to tell him that I need a DAYLIGHT one lol. Is there anything I can with the bulb? It gives off such an orangish/yellow look. Blegh!


Active Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6275091 said:
looking nicee deff new growth and i dont see anything wrong with the leafs. and i dont think you can do anything with that cfl besides save it for flowering
Yeah! That's what I was thinking. I wasn't sure if I could use it for that but I kind of had a feeling I could since it gives off that color. Thanks for replying!! I honestly don't know what I would do without everyones help and advice. After the grow is over, if it's successful, or whatever other grow I have that is successful, I am going to make a thank you video just thanking everyone for their help and showing the plant, etc.


Active Member
I think they are looking good, they look green and not stretching, very nice so far.............good work.


Active Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6277209 said:
yup i wanna see this girl grow! hahah also i checked out your high times things and rated 10on ur pics lol
Thanks so much for the support here AND @ MHT :D


Active Member
:) just a tip, try not to get her leaves wet(while the lights are on anyways).. those 'lil balls of water can act like a magnifying glass and may burn her leaves.. i've done it so many times by accident! You'll come back and wonder why the leaves are spotted ;) it doesn't cause significant damage, but non the less, sketched me out the first time! don't want you making the mistake and worrying bout what's caused it...
Otherwise, she's looking healthy! :) keep up the good work!! :)


Active Member
:) just a tip, try not to get her leaves wet(while the lights are on anyways).. those 'lil balls of water can act like a magnifying glass and may burn her leaves.. i've done it so many times by accident! You'll come back and wonder why the leaves are spotted ;) it doesn't cause significant damage, but non the less, sketched me out the first time! don't want you making the mistake and worrying bout what's caused it...
Otherwise, she's looking healthy! :) keep up the good work!! :)
Thanks for the advice! I stopped spraying here :P I have a question though. When should I bump it up to TWO cfls? When she starts to grow towards the light (when she tells me she needs more?)?


Active Member

You managed to sort out the heat issue with two bulbs Kayla?

Personally, I'd wait until she shows a little stretch before i'd bother. She seems to be staying nice and short, which normally means they're getting enough light. But that's my opinion, try get opinions off others, I may be wrong. But at least then you can make a choice based on what you think is best :)

But whenever you feel it can take that extra heat, try it out :) Just keep an eye on your Wiley and the temps if you do.

And BTW...

Wiley's looking wild! :)