My Grow Pics


Well-Known Member
Ok. Here are my pics. They have been growing for 1 month under a 1000wt mh, im going to let them veg for 1 more month then i will change to a 1000 wt hps. My soil ph is 6.5 and im using bottled water that is 6.7 ph. I just started them on nutes today. The soil i am using is for organic vegitables with very little nutes. Im also using 4 lbs of dry ice 5 days a week. My room temp with lights on is 80 degrees/lights off 73 degrees. I plan on flowering for two months or when i think they are finished. Im not trying to rush, these plants look good to me so i just want to take my time a do a good job of it. What do you guys think? I wanted to take a pic of my grow room but the light and the white walls are so bright i can not get a good pic. By the way they are mezar.



Well-Known Member
Ya, They may be a little small. I started from seed and it is two days shy of a month from when they first broke through the soil. When i first started the light was about 3 feet off them due to some heat issues, but two weeks ago i got that settled and lowerd the light to 2 feet and they have really taken off this past week and a half. In the end im not trying to grow trees im looking for some tight 3 foot tall bushes full of buds. All comments and advice welcome this is my first indoor grow so i want to learn as much as possible and put that knowledge to use on my second grow.


Well-Known Member
Hey Wkarma......They do look nice. Although they are quite small for the age. I wouldn't let that worry me though. There nice and tight.
Don't get rushed, let em reach about 15" in height.
It takes however long it takes.

Are you using a pc fan in front of the dryice to blow it across your babies?
Also, you have me wondering, 4lbs of dryice a day?
Are they charging you alot for the dryice?
Normal pricing is about $14.00 for a 50 lb block.
I usually buy it in 50lb blocks.
On very hot days, I can get about 3 days out of one block.
I've also found that if setup properly, the dryice can effectively cool your light too. Allowing you to run the dryice longer than a tank.

Using a tank, I have to exhaust every two hours, using dryice, my personal best is a complete 12 hours cycle without exhausting the room at all.

Heres a picture, it's actually a bad picture though, because the fan has fallen out of place. Usually the fan is placed close to the dryice, and placed blowing across the bottom of the light, allowing the co2 to naturally fall onto the plants. I find it easy to maintain a temp of about 85 degrees this way.


Well-Known Member
Ya, dry ice is kind of expensive. Im paying about $7.00 a day, but co2 tanks are hard to get over here and if i use welding tanks i have no way of regulating it. I do have a fan blowing the ice across the plants. I will try to take a good pic of my grow room in the next few days. By the way believe it or not good weed goes for about $90.00 a gram over here. I dont plan on selling any of my grow. It is for my own use so i dont have to pay these crazy prices. but if i can get a good yeild i dont mind spending $7.00 a day for ice.