My grow room setup


Well-Known Member
hey guys and girls :)
Just going to start by describing my grow set up and equipment im using . First is my own flowering tent which is 1.2 x 1.2 x 2m. Inside this tent i have a single 600w hps inside of a mantis shade pro which is a 12"x12" adjustable shade
. I have a 12" circulating fan which is suspended and kept at the same level as the shade to keep the temperature down. I have got 1 out-take and 1 in-take fans . The out-take move 250cubic meters and hour and the in-take moves 160. Im a soil grower and I would normally grow 6 plants inside in this tent which would be vegged for no less than 4 weeks. The plants final pots would be square 11 liters. I use plagrons alga grow and bloom , pk13/14 , and green sensation. The ph of the nutrient solution is alway 6.0 and the soil is between 5.8 and 6.5 . The soil i use is plagrons all mix wen potting seedlings and light mix for when i repot them into their final pots.

My average harvest would work out at 2oz a plant. Just wondering what ye guys would recommend with this set up. Would ye do anything different for example would ye do more or less plants in that area ? Iv been tempted to move to hydro because my goal before was just quality but since then things have changed and now quantity is my main objective.

The floor is now open to comments and suggestions :)

kenny ken 77

Active Member
Hydro bruv any day, I have the same size tent with gt100 nft, though this is my first attempt,my bro with same set/ strain averages 19-27 oz,bone dry! Fuck soil, check the plant problems section and you'll see nothing but problems/ deficiencies, hydro, stay on top of p.h. And follow nute recommendations and reap the rewards, bruv, quality is always a factor! If you grow shit, forget it!!! Banging dank weed is the goal for me and my bro, dust and popcorn I use for Percy, the rest is for my good loyal fat walleted friends...Lol!!

kenny ken 77

Active Member
The max he got with 6 ladies same strain was 37 oz, though he works and hasn't bothered to love and tend like he did at the start, now he let's them get on with it. I though am lavishing as much love as I can, I'm hoping my girls do me proud, only have 3, I guess it's wait and see, I'll be posting my progress/ yield, roll on roll on and then ROLL IT UP!!!


Well-Known Member
37oz from 6 ladies :lol: y havent i been doin hydro all along :wall: ha how long would you veg youre ladies for ? Iv been told that the taste from hydro will never be as good as soil. what your opinion on this ? Im just after starting 4 plants into flower the other day so im stuck in soil for now but when i get home im goin to crack some seeds and get ready for hydro :leaf:. Good luck with your first grow bud this is about my 12th grow now and iv only ever done 1 DWC grow and i got just over 3 from that plant and like your brother i was busy with work and all that so it didnt get the care it needed but it still grew better than the other plants of the same strain(dna genetics sleestack x skunk ) in soil. the hydro did yield better but the plants in the soil had a lot more of a flavour to them mayb that could of been due to the fact i didnt fully take care of the hydro . It even ran dry for a day r 2 because i didnt realise the water in the bucket would of been used so quick.

kenny ken 77

Active Member
Taste etc I really cannot comment on, I've never done soil grows. What I do know is my bro's weed stinks like fuck! Got a teenth in your pocket and go into a library or somewhere indoor/public, and talk about self conscious,you get funny looks everywhere. I had some in my pocket when I went to a funeral,to smoke after, shit! I stank out the limo, the family was all looking at me. I think if you flush them well enough,allow them to use accumulated nutes, I shouldn't think the taste is much different. As for 36 oz remember he crammed in nine, since he's neglected them you can see nature take her course, the middle girls dominate root space and light. I'll only go with four now, equal spacing,equal chance. I hope my yield makes me smile. Also I've read DWC is hard until you learn to calibrate to your strain,as with ebb and flood, I like the idea of being able to move pots about etc, though I think I'll stick with NFT, so easy, fill up,add nutes,p.h. Done! 100litres lasts 4 days, between 12-15 litres a day my ladies use,I change for fresh every 4 days adding extra boost every 2. Veg time, I measure them, these I flowered when they reached 19" I didn't want them getting to

tall, they're sativa dominant,I super cropped them daily in flower for 3 weeks 3 days, some say this
is wrong, though my ladies

show stress by getting mottled red on their leaf stalks, their height now is 39 1/2" 40" just waiting for them to start podding up now. The only thing I don't like with these girls is they foxtail. I'm thinking of looking for a new strain, I want one that grows with the irregularity of sativa but pods like indica,I'm not to keen on the soft (celery) type stalks,massive leaves and symmetrical internodes, though love the fat poddy colas. If you can think of a high yielding sativa like strain that flowers indica style without fox tailing please let me know, perhaps I should post this as a new thread somewhere. Thanks for your friend request mate, where do you live? U.K./U.S.A

kenny ken 77

Active Member
Stupid me! Ireland! Derr! Oh shit! Confused, just rang to confirm, 9 girls the max was 42 oz! With 6,the max was 36oz sorry, what I do know is trimming was a fucking painful marathon, lol!!! He averages now 24/27oz I hope I get 18/20 from 3, I guess just have to wait and see, on my knees! Praying heartedly! Aha hehe! ;-)

kenny ken 77

Active Member
By the way I like those mantis reflectors, my bro has 2 adjusta-wings, I'm still looking to improve my set up so I have the shitty basic things, though I have just got some heat shields, I must say they do eliminate hot spots?


Well-Known Member
For a sativa dominant plant that grows like an indica i would highly recomend chocolope from DNA Genetics the stuff is 95% sativa and 5% indica . It grow in a christmas tree shape nice and short with all the secondaries growin out nice and even . I had four of them in my setup growing in soil from natural seeds so i had to veg them until i could sex them . I harvested 3oz per lady so it was my best grow so far in soil .

The mantis reflectors are really good but like most of the gear can be expensive.

Ur welcome iv been only on this a few months only just gettin the hang of using a forum iv never posted stuff on any forum before . Im growing over 2 years now and i dont ever plan on stopping :bigjoint:
Fair play to ur bro thats sum really good results and here i am happy out cause im gettin 2 r 3 haha . Iv a few friends that also grow and i use to work in a grow shop and from what i use to hear 3 to 4 oz from a lady was the best around the place .

Im looking into gettin a hydro system setup real soon . Would u recommend ebb and flood or the nft?

kenny ken 77

Active Member
Thanks for the link mate, I'll be posting in my journal, yield etc, I must admit I was surprised too, I helped him get set up and his first grow too, big buddah seeds blue cheese, 600w hps hydro, all the equipment,no clue! Overall yield 3 1/2 oz!! Haha! Shit and devo too! Then we met an old friend,got his clones and copied his set up, wham! The first yield was six girls, big buddah cheesy dick, and believe we butchered these girls wanting the fat single cola effect,this was done before we met matey,yield 26 oz, though ever so slightly moist, since then with his girls shiva and his technique/nutes it's gone from strength to strength! But remember that's adding all the popcorn to his mix too. He don't smoke. So I get like an ounce of dust from his crops for my Percy, I will keep the popcorn/dust from my ladies, people pay far too much for shit if you ask me, so only proper bud will come from me and my ladies, yield I'll just have to see, though lavish love I am most certainly. I hope you are good matey, look forward to many a happy growing conversations. :-)

kenny ken 77

Active Member
If in a tent with ScrOG technique I'd defo go for NFT, as said, sort your solution and forget for four days, just check p.h. And room temps, (my next investment a fan speed controller, sorts R/H,temps and also my night time heater) in flower just add boost every second day, then repeat,new solution every four days, as said they use 12-15 litres a day, it's the trimming makes the difference,that and stable temps, you see where he's working he's not trimmed them, still does water etc,though being at home I'm constantly checking, basically kissing there green arses.Lol!!! No honestly I've had no deficiencies,the only problem was a little bleaching,lights too low, now I got heat shields shouldn't be too much a problem, they do work,surprised I am, hold your hand under and hardly any radiant heat, pukka. Good luck and growing matey. :-)


Well-Known Member
Iv never done a scrog setup at all so i look forward to all this new experimenting :bigjoint:
To reduce the heat on my ladies i have a 12" circulation fan that i suspend at the same height as my shade. I keep the shade about 8" from the top of plants . With the fan blowin across the canopy of the the ladies and onto the shade and bulb keeps my temps really go highest being 27 and my lowest being 16 . Iv never burned a top of my plant doing this even wen they grew up to within 3" of the light (they got that close cause of my short trip to amsterdam bongsmilie ) and when i put my hand even 4" from the bulb there is very little heat coming from it .
Would u recommend building my own NFT setup or should i just splash out and buy 1 ?
What this about popcorn and dust?
Oh and another question . Do you smoke with tobacco? :bigjoint: