My Grow Room


Well-Known Member
how ya liking the grow onyx r/o ? its pretty good. I got the grow-onyx 150 and its done pretty good for me, I wish it would produce r/o water faster (i use a lot of water)
but besides that its good.
I love it. It is the 150 but with high flow membrane so 200 now. If you want more water you need to boost pressur. I'm running 60 psi and getting 9 gal an hour. But system can go up to 90 and give you 12 gal am hour. And with my water being 500-800ppm and 7.4 ph I get 11 ppm and 6.4 ph. I'm going to upgrade to the 1 to 1 system soon. Then hook the 150 to my house so every sink has water and not just my other RO system in the garage.


Active Member
yea 8x8ft srry i got 20 ina 5x10 so i think i could do 30 plants topped lst and supercropped to keep them strong and short
A 8x8x? 8? 1 foot off walls so that would give you about 12 plants. If you grow big like I do. But you can sog an have about 300 in there. Or shorter veg and get 15-18 plants scrog.


Well-Known Member
how exactly do you boost pressure? I've never even heard of that
they sell a booster pump. That turns on when a drop in pressure. It's about 200 and can double your water. I'm just lucky to have 80 psi water here so I added a regulator to drop to to 60. Other parts of things can't handle 80


Well-Known Member

New video. Here's the link.

I desided to go full CGE. Got ride of the intake fan and added Co2 tanks hooked up to my fans. It's on a timer 15 on 15 off during lights on. Keeping ppm around 900. Needed to add a dehumidifier sence humidity got above 75% at times.The heat is pulled out of the room with a 4" booster fan and exits the room thru a fillter sence it is taking kushy air from the room. Lights are still cooled with closed loop. But exoust is now set to turn on when temps it above 85.
Flower room is in week 3 and about 18-24 inch tall just finished trimming leaves to let light in. This will be the last time I tuch them till harvest. Got res ppm under check so no more burn. Veg room is staying at 75 deg. And 70% RH.
Think I took clones to erly so had a bitch of a time keeping them. But in the end I only lost 1. First 1 in over a year. Good thing I take 24 for the 17 I wanted. Setting up a mother room that will hold 2 mothers in DWC using T5 lighting. And natural air so around 80 degrees and 30% RH with 300 ppm of Co2. This is in my house.
Not looking to get the full 1g per watt sence I made some big mistakes in start of this grow but damn sure gonna try next. Next week clones are going into my perveg system for a few weeks while I try and finish my 1200w veg room. If not I added a T5 4'x6 bulb light that will at least let them veg to a decent size befor placing under 2400w MH for a week then switch to HPS and flower.
Well that's all I got for now. Wish me luck and happy growing. I'll try and post weekly photos but got called out of town for work so maybe every 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
I'm out of town rite now but when I get home my lady's will be starting week 5 of flower. I'll post pics as I see them. I know they arnt as big as last time but I had a few setbacks in veg. Next grow is already in week 1 of veg and a new momma started in a DWC. Sorry for lack of updates. I'm going to try and do a journal for the next grow.


Well-Known Member
Are you keeping the mother in hydro so you can keep pulling clones off? Otherwise to just maintain a mother (i.e. keeping a specific genetics for later use)... would you go soil @ that time for the lower maintenance?

I'm assuming maintaining your mothers for active use you keep in the rapid growth you get with hydro - right? Otherwise if I can get all the clones I need from a mother sitting in a soil grow - wouldn't that be far easier?
Just wondering since the extra maintenance seems like it should be avoided unless it's vital...


Well-Known Member
I have the miter in DWC. Damn I can't belive the growth. She is twice the size of the other clones. Just topped her for the first time. And the main reason I'm keeping it in water is I leave for a week or two at a time. And my partners arnt the best. So if I set everything up all they need to do is add water till I get back.

And I will be letting her go for 2-3 cycles befor I clone her. Need 20 good shoots. And yes I'm keeping her for the genetics. Everyone loves it and preorders it. I gave a friend a few clones and he has a mother to. Did this so if I get raided and the cops are dicks and don't belive my scrips and destroy all my plants I can still have my plants when I get out.


Well-Known Member
Ok start of week 5 of flower. But first I'm gonna post my baby 1 week in veg. They are in a ebb and flow I designed.

Now the new mother ther same age but in a DWC system

This weekend I moved the lights and cleaned up the veg room
So now some of the flower room. This is start of week 5
My runt first

Do to my mess ups erly in veg I'm not thinking anything like the 4oz a plant I got last harvest. But maybe 2 or 2.5. I would be happy with 30oz out of it. Any more would be a plus. But going to keep a close eye on the next grow. I would love 60oz but would guess 50 if done right.


Active Member
Im going to subscribe been looking for someone else running the titan flo n gro system. I'm almost 5 weeks into flower on my 1st run with the same setup.


Well-Known Member
Don't have anything to say bad about it. I did change the pump and added a snorkel to it to get the water in the brain bucket. That was just something I wanted. Also added air stone to brain bucket. And a 6 site add on is the max for the res.


Active Member
I was thinking about adding air to my brain and might try that next run. I'm currently on my 1st run 5 weeks deep.

Planning on picking up another whole setup and a few add on buckets for next run if i can find a bigger space.

I like your veg setup and have planes to do something similar instead of the DWC i'm using now.


Well-Known Member
Yup. I'm going to get another system for the veg room. And with 1 add on I get 15 sites. 15 flower, 15 veg under MH, 15 pre veg under T5, and 24 in cloner. Every 6 weeks will be a 2-3 LB harvest.