My grow (White Dwarf & Lemon Skunk)


White Dwarf

I started to germinate my 5 Buddha Autoflowering White Dwarfs on the 18.02.11 . In 24 hours they had sprouted after i put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into the water.

I planted them into some Bio-Bizz All Mix the same day as i had noticed that they had sprouted. I put all 5 potted seeds into a Heated Propagation Box. By the 21.02.11 four of them had popped above the surface. The last one was abit slower but soon enough sprouted above the surface.

We are now on 27.02.11 they are about 2 inches high have one set of leaves above the original round seed leaves and the next set are coming through. I have now transported my babys into my grow tent under a 250w CFL Blue light I started to add a little Bio-Bizz Root juice to my mineral water on the 25.02.11.

Will add some pics up of my baby girls later.

Lemon Skunk
On the 26.02.11 i decided i wanted to grow something else with a better yeild and a plant abit more complex than the white dwarf. So i went out and brought some Lemon Skunk seeds.
Last night i put them into a cup of water with a few drops of Hydrogen Peroxide again. By this morning all 5 had popped so i have now planted all 5 into pots with the Bio-Bizz soil and they are now in the heated propagation box. Hopefully will start seeing some fast results with them like i did the White Dwarfs.

If anyone has any information on either of these strains would be greatly appreicated



I am growing 5 white dwarf and 5 lemon skunk which i have just potted today :) the dwarfs seem to be growing pretty fast.


Just curious to know as i have never grown auto flowering strain before. I currently have the white dwarfs under 24hour of light. Can any1 tell me when i should start thinking about a 18/6 of light as im not 100% sure. Should i put them under this now or carry on with 24hours of light for another week or so untill they have a few more sets of leaf showing.


Well-Known Member
I'm by no means an expert, but you can do 24/0 with an auto, but apparently it isn't worth the extra juice... you could do 18/6 or 20/4 with very similar results.

Also, apparently plants like to produce resin during the dark period... and we all like plants to produce resin :)


Well-Known Member
BTW - I'll be closely following this grow as I too got some of those White Dwarfs from Demon (cos they were a bargain!).... good luck geeza.


YeYe thats cool might give that ago and switch them onto 18/6 see how they go . I got my seeds from a local head shop havin good results so far. Will put some more pics up in a few days. Have you started your white dwarfs yet ?


Well-Known Member
Nah, not quite yet, just waiting for my current (first proper indoor) grow to finish...probably start the white dwarves and AK47s in about a month..... I am itching to get them on the go though. My current grow is actually turning out pretty good but has taken ages to finish cos the cold weather really stunted their growth....not next time though, cos I got myself a heater for my tent!


Hhaha never heard of some1 trying to heat there tent up before only trying to keep it cooler :) lol. yeh it has been cold here in the uk. I cant wait for my dwarfs to get abit bigger and still waiting for the lemon skunk to start showing above the surface shouldnt be long now