My Growing Experience


Active Member
This is a journal to document my personal growing experience.
I am doing this so i can learn from my own mistakes and hopefully successes as well.

Comments will be greatly appreciated

Currently using;

Growing Medium:
Baily's premium potting mix w/ approx. 30% Perlite / Vermiculite mix
305mm Pot (approx. 12-15L)​
Powerfeed concentrate - Dynamic fertiliser & soil conditioner
Seasol seaweed concentrate - complete garden health treatment​
During flowering i have the option to add;

PK Top up NPK 0:15:16​
Tap water (pH of approx. 8.0)​

Vegetative stage;
Flowering stage;
4 x 24W CFL Warm light (4 x 1550lm)​
Upgrading to;
Growlush 400W HPS​

Light schedule changed to 12/12.
Should receive my HPS tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Will update and edit regularly.



Active Member
Day 2​
Watered w/ nutrients - pH 6.3 (used vinegar to adjust)
Temperature at 23°C (morning)

My thoughts
Received my 400W HPS today. I had no idea how big it was going to be, so next weekend i might try and build a bigger flowering box to fit it.


Active Member
Thats good to hear.. this is my first time using it.
Do you know if it will be good to use all through flowering? any advice would be great.


Well-Known Member
Look sesol has nitrogen in it
so you need some of that also, in flowering you need a poduct that has high p and k
as in n-p-k
I find going to get stuff from the hydro shop will help ya more
but I am not a soil pro but if ya gonna go dro
let me know I might be able to help
also you inside yeah
what's your plans for a indoor cabnet


Active Member
Ok, i should be in good shape, i have PK top up (NPK 0:15:16) for flowering.

Semi indoors, i have a large shed in my backyard that has my current set up.
Current box is just big enough for one plant, it has 4 CFLs mounted to the 'roof' of the cabinet and has one exhaust fan.

Still planning on the new cabinet.

Cabinet Planning
Needs to be big enough to house 2 plants
Mount a 400W hps - air cooled by exhaust fan
Active intake / air circulation fan

I have the materials from an old cupboard i ripped down to make the new grow box. Any problems and i might think about forking out the money for a grow tent.


Well-Known Member
tents are cheap dude
im a builder so i do my own but fuck all my mates use tents
its a bit harder to make non-hydro stuff (fans and other stuff) work in a tent cause its built for the right things but $1000 gets ya all the shit to do a great grow
less if you are clued up


Active Member
I am definitely going to upgrade over time as i can afford it. I know the kind of setup your talking about and its pretty much what im going for... cept im going to stay soil for now. Atm i am just growing random seed i have aquired, if i was growing a specific strain then i would probably buy more gear.


Well-Known Member
Yep same way I started careful this is way more additive than smack
I've started with soil but found it very hard to fix fuck ups
and trust me Im the fuck up king
but hydro works for me


Active Member
Day 3​
First signs of sex have appeared.

Pictures arn't the best, so i will try and take some better ones later... or when there is something a little bit better to take pictures of.



Active Member
DAY 16​

Whats new?
Received my 400W HPS
Built temporary grow box​

Plants arn't looking very healthy, had some moisture issues because of the very cold days and CFL's wouldnt dry out the soil.

New box and light are in operation, just need to make some tweeks and upgrades. It will do for now i guess.



Active Member
DAY 22​

Transplanted into a bigger pot.
My girl looked a little root bound which would account for her overall sad appearance.

Picked up some new nutes which im going to trial for this plant.

I will post some pics once the plant has had some time to adjust from the transplant and hopefully she will look a lot happier.