My Growing


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ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6214731 said:
Ya im not sure but in this pic were i circled when you look real close on the plant it looks like there is some pistols growing there but im not sure.
Tis possible, give it a week and you'll know fo sure.


Well-Known Member
Tis possible, give it a week and you'll know fo sure.
nice also i was looking around and found these laying around do you think they would be any good? one is GREEN SWEEP weed and feed it contains alot of nitrogen its 20-0-0 i wouldn't really do anything with weeds but i think my biggest plant has slight nutrient deficiency and the other is triazicide its supposed to kill like 120+ pests and alot iv read to be on mj plants i haven't had much of a bug problem but i did see one tiny green bug in the soil but i dont think this is necessary and probably really strong.



Active Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6215226 said:
nice also i was looking around and found these laying around do you think they would be any good? one is GREEN SWEEP weed and feed it contains alot of nitrogen its 20-0-0 i wouldn't really do anything with weeds but i think my biggest plant has slight nutrient deficiency and the other is triazicide its supposed to kill like 120+ pests and alot iv read to be on mj plants i haven't had much of a bug problem but i did see one tiny green bug in the soil but i dont think this is necessary and probably really strong.
Don't give it the triazicide especially when you don't have any bug problems. I wouldn't recommend giving the green weed and feed considering it kills weeds.... Not too sure though. Checkout my grow all the stuff I used was obtained from home depot or walmart.


Well-Known Member
alright i think ill make the green weed and feed formula and add a little extra water to mellow it out and give it one dose of it just to see if it helps my plant out. but if i ever get a bug problem would the triazicide be a good choice?


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ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6215403 said:
alright i think ill make the green weed and feed formula and add a little extra water to mellow it out and give it one dose of it just to see if it helps my plant out. but if i ever get a bug problem would the triazicide be a good choice?
Weed is a weed from what I've been told... There's a chance the green weed and feed will kill your plant.


Well-Known Member
ya i thought of that after i had already added some of the mellowed out mixture,, kinda stressn about it but whatever happens happens and i still have two more i guess.. you think i should flush it?


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ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6215938 said:
isnt molasses for making the buds bigger and better tasting?
Helps during veg too IMO. I gave my plants it while they were vegging and I personally think it helped.


Well-Known Member
ya iv heard its got alot of good stuff for the plants since you brought it up i might try it. and the plant i fed that mix 4 hours ago isnt dead yet so thats a good sign,, just alittle droopy im going to take some pics tonight of all my plants later tonight. i topped the smallest two bout a hour ago and about 2 weeks ago i tried to top the biggest one i litterly should of said f**k i missed cuz i FIMed it and i think theres 3 or 4 new shoots coming out so not bad.


Active Member
I chopped the whole top right off one of my plants and nothing bad happened, it just created a double top.


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ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6217081 said:
ya i chopped of the top leaves of the smallest ones and when i tryed to top the bigger one i didnt get it all so it made like 4 new shoots instead of 2
Yeah! I meant that too. The plants are so cool you can do ANYTHING and they live.. Fucking broke 80% of a stem off and it still reconnected and formed an even stronger stem.


Well-Known Member
well my big girl isnt looking good i just flushed her to see if i could save her but i dont know if it will work. and for my smaller ones heres pics of there new tops one is taped to the other because i accidentally sniped some of that leafs stem so the tape is holding it in place so it can heal



Well-Known Member
Is your soil aerated? It looks like there is a problem with the soil..
I would try to add some perlite or something to help with the drainage. I hope it gets better.
ll what happened is i thought i had a N difficency so i added this 20-0-0 mixture that also kills weeds but it killed my weed and so i just tryed to flush it to see if it helps.