My Growing


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6727980 said:
hahahah i misseed the game what happened? and thanks man for the comment and subscribe
State lost on a dumbshit running into the kicker. There was also a pretty tough call on a catch by Martin the previous drive that screwed us. It's one thing to lose when you know the other team is better, it's another to lose because of a couple dumb plays.


Well-Known Member
so cleaned the pipe and got two bowls of rez and it turns out the pipe has no blue beside alittle ontop, its a mostly clear pipe lol thats how much rez there was, it used to look blue
some how all that rez made that pipe blue, like imagine if all the blue was clear (like a glass window clear)GEDC0861.jpg


Well-Known Member
ya that thing was a pain in the ass to clean! first soaked it in a salt, rubbing alcohol, water mix then swooshed that mixture through it for a good 15min then rinsed it several times then boiled it. and still not perfectly clean lol


Well-Known Member
Use 99% iso and do a couple more washes it will be clean. That's the traveler bowl right? Pack one in the second hole for later lol just move it to the main chamber when needed.


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6733329 said:
yup i did roughly 2 tablespoons salt, half cup rubbing alcohol and 1 1/2 cup hot water
Don't dilute the iso. Salt + iso is fine, or hot water + salt. but pure iso works best.


Well-Known Member
here ya go just a few shots to show how its going
no sign of sex yet for seedling, and LOTS more brown hairs on my big girl, getting close to done :D :leaf: shes definitely fattened up since last update


Active Member
I just use 100% IPA on my pipes and shit, just let it soak for 20-30 then rinse off with water, my shit looks band new afterword.


Well-Known Member
Amazing pics man! I love the first pic.. soo many hairs, like peach fuzzz, just waiting for the future to come lol.


Well-Known Member
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6734483 said:
ya thanks lol i think it wierd how seedlings have hairs like that
Tons of plants do. Defense from bugs and such. Ever grown cucumbers? they are covered with hairs!


Well-Known Member
very nice legilize :clap: shes a beauty.

100% IPA? you take your pipe into the lab? j/k, i use 99% i never heard of the salt thing before :peace: