My Growitup Greenhouse Grow 2010

Damn, Max is huge now!
Today's his birthday, Hes 6 months old. 48 lbs, and eats about 34 lbs of Puppy Chow a month.

He likes the couch now.


Man hes just gettin started.
everything looks good cruz, Max, the plants, even the weather sounds nice!! i like the one beanpole hydro plant, like 6 inches taller than the rest.
Good ol' Fox Farm :-). Pura Vida wasn't the cake after-all. Your girls look green and lush bro it would seem a winter greenhouse is working out for you so far.. You RH seems to be in check but the weather will be getting thick shortly and I bet you'll have to take some dehumidifying measures when you get into flowering.Maybe. And friggin Max man, always just kickin it. Still awesome :-D

I hear ya, good ole' tried and true. Yea, they look OK but just seem to need something. I stopped using FF indoors cause I was having trouble with it clogging my chiller. No chiller to worry about out here but I think you are right, I am going to need a larger dehumidifier soon. I found I am at 10 hours a day sunlight, I'm thinking I should add a 1000w HPS and run it a couple hours a day to make up the lost light. Start it at like 5am and off at 7am. I got one I can use, just gotta re wire the lamp cord again, I used the cord for another grow.
everything looks good cruz, Max, the plants, even the weather sounds nice!! i like the one beanpole hydro plant, like 6 inches taller than the rest.
Thanks man, California winter baby!
I hear ya, I got a cutting from her, with the right lighting and training that's the one I want to grow more of. Maybe reserve a spot for her next summer.
I hear ya, good ole' tried and true. Yea, they look OK but just seem to need something. I stopped using FF indoors cause I was having trouble with it clogging my chiller. No chiller to worry about out here but I think you are right, I am going to need a larger dehumidifier soon. I found I am at 10 hours a day sunlight, I'm thinking I should add a 1000w HPS and run it a couple hours a day to make up the lost light. Start it at like 5am and off at 7am. I got one I can use, just gotta re wire the lamp cord again, I used the cord for another grow.

If I had to say that I noticed something was off, your hydro gals are lookin a bit pale. Maybe adjust in some more Nitrogen for that. The soil girls look better, but only minutely. Still, OK is better than not OK. I'll betcha the Grow Big will hook it up. That 6-4-4 ratio coupled with the Big Bloom makes for some green machines for sure.. I'll be testing out some Iguana Juice on a couple girls this next round so we'll see how that goes. The Bloom formula looks great. Jack that 1K into a parabolic or a giant batwing; you'll want wide coverage. You probably already figured that. Enclosed hoods are not very useful for these scenarios.
Yea, you are right on the money. The hydro girls have always been lighter then the soil.
That's the plan, by going back to FF and starting at week 6. Get them a shot of Tiger bloom now to finish turning and then a couple weeks on Big bloom and Grow Big should do the trick. As for the light I have a couple reflectors to choose from but not a parabolic or large bat wing. I got a small bat wing, a sun hood with glass and a cool tube. Guess I'll have to make something.
You can find a 4' bat wing type reflector for real cheap. Go buy a 4'x4' piece of sheet metal, a few quick bends, attach a socket. Bam, BatWing reflector. Shoot, people are getting rid of 4 and 5' parabolics and simple metal reflectors on craigs list all the time for probably cheaper than the cut of sheet metal by it's self.
You guys got me thinking so I went out and measured, I got 8 feet across the back, the girls in the front are five feet across.
I could easily make that 8 feet 6 feet by moving one plant then I wouldn't need a reflector at all. Its going up tomorrow.
Logical thinker, you are :-D. I just thought about it too and you only need supplemental light anyway. What's the absolute max penetration of light matter when the other 10 hours is sunshine?
No shit man, he can dig a hole in the lawn in 3 seconds flat with those paws, gotta watch him.

I was up a little early today and when I checked on them they had morning dew on them. WTF there in a greenhouse?



So like yesterday we were talkin about a bigger dehumidifier, guess I should start looking.
Ha! No Kidding.
Weird thing is, its only on the hydro girls. Maybe the wood behind the girls in soil is stopping it from forming there.
I dont know, It's just not something you see every day so I thought I would share.
No shit man, he can dig a hole in the lawn in 3 seconds flat with those paws, gotta watch him.

I was up a little early today and when I checked on them they had morning dew on them. WTF there in a greenhouse?



So like yesterday we were talkin about a bigger dehumidifier, guess I should start looking.

Might be from the heat rising from the res underneath, i had the same problem with my 3 in NFT the plants in pots were fine
Its just transpired and evaporative moisture coming up through your "coco pebels" because of temperature and pressure fluxuations inside of the greenhouse. Its nothing to worry about, as long as they are perking up during the days ;), the moisture is not coming from outside.
Thanks again guys. Now that makes sense, that's why its not on the girls in soil. It's giving me second thoughts about putting up a light though.
I wonder if I didn't water at night if that would help, I'm sure it wouldn't hurt. I don't have a cycle timer out there with a photo cell, that's in my cab, just a timer with 15 min increments set to water 15 on and 45 off 24 hours a day. Seems to be working well enough.
3Eyes could be very correct, depending on the difference between your rez/tray temps and the ambient temps. Maybe a insulating layer around each, the reservoir and the hydro tray.
Both had the right idea but I think Dragon was closer, the res is sealed pretty much but the holes the plants are in are wide open aside from the hydroton. I think the answer is to stop watering at night and cover the holes with something that absorbs moisture but lets air through. Then start a light at 5am with a fan to move some air around.

Well, thats what I'm gonna try next. Got a light up today.


I had this hood already wired up so I went with a 600w
Todays cloudy so I gave it a test burn to check out coverage.




This one has spider mites, Looks like the two spotted mites. I hit it with dr doom knockout spray. Also got the base of all the others.


I didnt think they would be active with these low night temps but here they are.


I havent seen any on the other plants yet but I am keeping an eye out for them now.
