My Growitup Greenhouse Grow 2010


Well-Known Member
Yea buddy, in two weeks bubba then Casey should be ready the next week.
That gives her three weeks to put on the weight and she is diggin it!


Well-Known Member
Can't believe after watching month after month of veg that harvest has already rolled around. You though about setting up any more security?


Well-Known Member
You guys got the rite to bear arms written in to the constitution, Cruzer get the lock off the cabinet and sit by the window if anybody strays into the back yard give them the fright of their lives you've come a long way with them girls, the finish line is in sight don't let anyone fuck it up now!!!


Well-Known Member
who ever gets closest to the weight wins a bud ? ? haha . i really want to see how close my guess is . great job
Sure, why not.

Can't believe after watching month after month of veg that harvest has already rolled around. You though about setting up any more security?
I got cameras and motion sensors out there. I sleep with a loaded gun. Not much else I can do but move in.

You guys got the rite to bear arms written in to the constitution, Cruzer get the lock off the cabinet and sit by the window if anybody strays into the back yard give them the fright of their lives you've come a long way with them girls, the finish line is in sight don't let anyone fuck it up now!!!
Oh nobody can stray into the back yard. Its through a gate or over the fence. I dont have a gun cabinet. Mine are stored under my bed, most of the ammo is locked up though. Except for the Glock, its loaded and little closer. I live in a pretty good neighborhood I hope it's just paranoia setting it. Every morning when I see them there I sigh with relief.


Sector 5 Moderator
Man that sucks about the meter reader but I'm sure he sees them all the time and I imagine you have a card anyway so it should not be a big deal at all. It's good to see your first virgin sacrifice!!! So far I've chopped 4 small plants; they seem to mature a lot faster than the bigger ones. Looking good bro.


Well-Known Member
Man that sucks about the meter reader but I'm sure he sees them all the time and I imagine you have a card anyway so it should not be a big deal at all. It's good to see your first virgin sacrifice!!! So far I've chopped 4 small plants; they seem to mature a lot faster than the bigger ones. Looking good bro.
Thanks man, yea, I hope thats the case with that dude.


Well-Known Member
OK, well I got a good look today and it looks like all that fogger did was move the mites up to the tops. FUCK! There all over the fucking buds. I have to think the fogger didn't reach up there.

Bud shot, looks nice right,

Look closer,

They are not dead either.

To top it off I noticed a brown color on the top of a couple of them. I reached for it and the top fell apart.
I think its mold but there is no fuzz like I have seen before and what looks like droppings. Maybe a caterpillar? How bout some opinions here.

Close up of what I took off.

See the little droppings.

Then I find this guy a few feet away sitting on the top of the water shed. I don't know if it was him. Maybe he hopped out after I took the side panel off. Did that look like grasshopper shit to you?

Right after I took the pic it jumped to the ground and Max ate it.
Good dog.

Boy outdoor grows are a pain in the ass.
I just set off a fogger so I cant cut that shit early, IDK man, time to medicate.


Well-Known Member
Thats shitty Cruzer. Cant believe thats how it went. On mine, the mites seemed to avoid the real frosty parts. Im sure I got better coverage off of my bomb though. Did you point it up or set it off up high, cause thats what I would have done. But those little bastards look like they are running rampant. If you have any more, I would set 2 off at once pointed at the top or up top and hope for the best. From the looks of those branches, not a single fume hit up there. When I went in after setting mine off, I had to hunt to find one on a leaf and when I finally found one, it was just sitting there dead.


Well-Known Member
Damn cruzer that sucks. I have never seen that brown shit before, but a bug does seem to fit the bill. Could the foggers have done it, ya think? How many plants have the brown shit?


Well-Known Member
I set the fogger on the ground of the greenhouse, right next to where the santa cruz was thinking it would go up through the canopy where she was. I didn't add a fan or anything, those things shoot up figured it would work. Guess not.

IDK man, I got a lot of good shit there right now.
Same old story, kill the bugs and chance fucking up the buds or cutting early before the bugs ruin it.
I know some of that last fogger is in there now, somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Damn cruzer that sucks. I have never seen that brown shit before, but a bug does seem to fit the bill. Could the foggers have done it, ya think? How many plants have the brown shit?
Just two and they are in the same area. above the door and off to the right, not far from the roof of the little watershed where I spotted the grasshopper. If thats the case, at least he wanted out.


Well-Known Member
Is there any element that reacts badly to the fogger, like water or anything weird? Either it was a bug, or maybe an outside variable. I know ou had it sealed.

Then there is the chance. I do hate to say this, cause I don't think its so and I don't want to worry you. The meter reader. Not all people like herb, some may enjoy destroying it more. I really don't think it is, but you must think of all variables, known and unknow. Maybe watch the video surveillance to see if anything catches your eye.

Didn't mean to worry you if I did, but we must take all precautions right! Now your precautions can take care of you (video cameras that is)


Well-Known Member
FUCKIN CATIPILLERS i got em too bro, get rid of them now, i dont know how.
they burrow into the bud, thats why it fell over like you said, trust me, and those little balls, thats there shit.
they breed in the bud too. if you figure something out please let me know


Well-Known Member
I've had bud rot like what you got there rite in the middle of the crown, with the temps dropping in the evening your probably getting a lot of moisture on the inside of the roof in the morning causing bud rot and the shit might be from mice those girls are more than capable holding a few foraging mice, i might be completely wrong but those are my theories.


Well-Known Member
That is the worst bud eating bug ever!!!
if you allow em too. iv just been pickin em out.
other than that i do not know