Ha! I really do know how you feel, I do that too.+rep... read the whole damn thing,, one sitting,,, my eyes are sore , my ass is sore , and I feel like you&max are family now.... going to bed... thx for the journal...
Welcome bud, pull up a chair.
Well, not always but I try.wow your plants always look so healthy Cruz, not counting spiders!
I keep all my pics. Actually I only use about 10% of what I take. I got 5 cd's full of them.Holly molly Cruze those plants look just amazing talk about some beautiful shades on them!! Dont see that happening to much with indoor garden setups but fuk the outdoors always brings some crazy colors. Cant stop looking you should make a poster of one of this pics, a site to remembered! Great work man the green house is doing her job.
Cruzer those plants look amazing! I'm so happy I found this thread.

Yeah, and I think I gave him an idea to break out his multi-site Water Farmcan't wait to see that shit go down
mmm water farm farm inside a greenhouse my vision for years lol beast scrog them bitches back and throw em in the waterfarms in the GH and watch em go like crazy lol
OK guys, This is my hydro storage shed.
I gotta dig it outta here. See the stack of them in the back?
LOL, I never throw anything away!
I cut down all the soil girls this morning and I'm trying to get the g13 in there before the playoff's today.