My half ass clone attempt.

Ok so I put the two most rooted clones in soil the other day.

they wilted super bad over night. That I found after saying they are fucked.
The RW cube must get wicked bone dry by the soil. I watered the soil. But it was not totally soaked. When I yarded the clone/cube out of the soil. It was bone dry. While the soil was still a bud damp.

I got 3 of the best clones in soil this morning.
Think I am going to have to get them a sprinkle of water every day until the roots have set into the soil.
Should have know better. As the cubes do that when I transplant into perlite hempys and need x2 a day watering for a first week.
Well here are my clones. Doing pretty good I think.
2 sour diesel
1 og kush
4 other clones were from the atomic sherbet’s. Both those moms went hermi right out the gate.
so they got chopped and the clones got tossed.

now what to do with them for like 8 more weeks while the parentsflower out.