My homegrown creeps up on me. why?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I harvested some stuff last harvest (single strain of bag weed) and it was a lot slower acting than normal weed. I would smoke a whole joint and not feel anything. Then 10-15 minutes later I would be baked.

I just did another harvest recently with 2 bagseed strains (one is the same as last time) and both strains have this delayed effect. Neither of the seeds came from a batch of creeper.

So what's causing this delay? something in my grow process? Or cure process? Did I harvest at the wrong time? Anyone else experienced this?
I harvested some stuff last harvest (single strain of bag weed) and it was a lot slower acting than normal weed. I would smoke a whole joint and not feel anything. Then 10-15 minutes later I would be baked.

I just did another harvest recently with 2 bagseed strains (one is the same as last time) and both strains have this delayed effect. Neither of the seeds came from a batch of creeper.

So what's causing this delay? something in my grow process? Or cure process? Did I harvest at the wrong time? Anyone else experienced this?

I think it depends on strain, or crystal ratio amber to milky. not sure. only time i experienced the creeper high was off WR
I thought it was strain too, but 2 completely unrelated strains that didn't come from a batch with those effects? Why didn't the mothers have the same effect? Also out of all the hundreds of seeds i've collected over the years from my bags, why would these 2 just happen to have creeper genetics? The only 2 I happened to grow and flower.

2 out of 2 seems too coincidental.
Gotta love the Grim Creeper...

Great for when inexperienced friends come over :)

Hahaha the old inexperienced friend, "Hey it is your first time let me prep the bong for you" hahaha

Are you growing any more of the bag seed? I would say try another one cause who knows maybe you did beat the odds and went 2 for 2?
Creeper always cost more in the 80's.. always something exotic and imported. I remember some shit called "elephant weed".. 1 toke your buzzed.. 20 minutes later.. BAM!

You say the bud the seeds came from wasn't creeper.. ever hear of a brunette couple having a blond child or even a redhead? Dormant genes sometimes come out in future generations. No way to tell what the parents of that strain were, or the parents to each of them.. ands so on. Unless the seeds were engineered with a purpose.. ie: somebody actually bred them, you have no idea what the original grower had done. Was the pollination planned, or did something hermie? There's no way to know.

Can always do some breeding yourself with it though. :D
Creeper weed is far more elusive than blonde hair based in my experience. I've only encountered creeper weed a couple of times in my years of smoking, and none of them were delayed as much as this home grown. Which leads me to believe it's not genetic. It just seems like the odds of a plant getting the sleeper creeper gene is pretty low (based on all the weed i've smoked). The odds that both bag seed strains i'm growing just happen to have it, and it's more prominent than any weed i've ever experienced just seems to be astronomical. It seems like there must be a simpler explanation like me harvesting too early or late, or something else in my environment causing this effect.
I am not terribly impressed with this weed anyway. I have ak-48 and pure power plant seeds from nirvana. The plants are sprouted and have many clones taken of them. I'm going to finish flowering what I already have of my current stuff, but all new clones will be AK-48 or PPP so these genetic lines will be dead in a couple months.
Ahh the mysterious creep phenotype. We get creeper weed out here atleast a few times a year.. at first you think you got ripped off then - .... whoa!