My hot date with Alice D (Canada day Acid trip)


Well-Known Member
Warning! spelling mistakes ahead along with punctuation

It's going to be a read so fire up a blunt crank on some metal and prepare to laugh


sorry listening to some cooper

Lets start this ma fucka up right *Bong Toke

I get up around 2 pm call my bro up tell him Im going to meet him at Wendy's an then go scope out the parade and look for Alice
First off my tires flat so I walk to Canadian tire to get it fixed. That day it was 33 degrees and Im walkin around in pants I shoulda been naked or at least had some shorts.

So after tons of bullshit lets get bussssyyy

I go home eat and head back to where the shindig is goin on now there was at least half the town at this mother fucker to many people to do drugs I thought so I stopped looking for Alice

10 minutes later I see a dealer he has acid but he wouldnt deliver a couple pouches of Keta to me a couple weeks back so I said fuck it and kept lookin I see my buddy with his chick tellin me he's been callin my house all day cause he's got some fuckin sweet Acid

We go up to his place I take the two hits I think it was Sunshine

8:00 pm The countdown starts

All the sudden I start getting hella thirsty and all the sudden start thinking oh man I'm fucked now I'm about to be around hundreds of people high as fuck oh well lets get this night rockin

8:15 we arrive back to the festival and Im hauling ass as soon as I was out of the vehicle I began to get the feeling if I didnt stop moving I would get the fear and my night would be fucked

The stage is crankin out some Sabbath and Im in the crowd jumpin aroun having a wicked time sweating like crazy after 30 - 40 min of straight running through the crowd talking to many people it begins I feel strange I cant stop jumping around


I'm down on the "magic carpet" where we were all chillin for fireworks
talking to tons of people I havnt seen for a long time then I look down the road every single street light is on...wait what the fuck why are those lights so god damn bright

I look down and then look over to one of the chicks on the carpet

Do you see that? I ask She looks at me dumbfounded as I explain the lights shining very verrry brightly

You know that look people give you like OHHH YEAAA ok fuckin junkie like that kind well thats what she gave me
I noticed I was sweating alot I started freaking out thinking I was going to die because I would over heat so I took off my shirt and tied my hair back ok I thought to myself here it comes


After nothing much more happening its time for fireworks I dont know whats better though the fireworks or the ambulance lights flashing I kept an eye on the cops because they were wearing bright green vests and they would have loved to fuck my night up but more about those fuckers later

Boom fireworks hit Im lovin it talkin to everybody dancing partying just going out of my mind


Am I peaking? No its just starting Heres the fun stuff

My buddys are leaving but Im headin out with the dude from earlier on its to dark for me to see him or his girlfriend so I call him on my cell a couple times and find out where he is now things are gettin scary the fear has set in

Bong toke*

I cant find my buddy and he's about 6'7 so it shouldnt be to hard right?
As I'm wondering around some dude says yo man you got a dollar I tell him I do not but go back after a couple minutes

"Do you mind if I borrow your eyes? Do you see a giant over there?"

As I look to this guy his face just jumps at me but I knew I was ok and ran off as I heard them talking about the giant wtf that was ages ago or did I just ask that? So I find my buddys and as we stand next to this donut vendor I begin focusing on the sound of the fan


But I could hear what I was saying The sky was so amazing it was purple like not solid but sunset forever purple

My budds gf tell's me Im not deaf and I believe her as I stop focusing on the sound we go unlock my bmx wihich was a pain in the ass as were walkin up to their appartment I cant seem to see straight everything is spinning but I can walk perfectly it was quite weird as we would see people walking down the road we would randomly talk to others jus to see whats goin on now the ground began to stir and move and it became very hard to walk without my bike my hands began to melt to the grips and I couldnt get these tracers out of my eyes so I said fuck this and tossed my bike down my buddy started riding it as I went down on my hands and knees climbing up one of the big fuckin hills in town I couldnt stand walking up or I would fall back it was like jurrasic park all the lights would shine and stay on the road I cant describe the feeling but it was like the whole world was purple but in a thousand different shades as we walked through a park I saw kids jumping into the outdoor pool and people were talking to us but we kept moving as we walked up another hill cars would drive by and I got paranoid cause I could see everyones dashboard lights so I thought they were cops out to get me

once we got back to their place we started watching night at the roxburry and I took off my socks to reveal dragon feet I try putting my socks back on but my feet wouldnt accept the sock

All the sudden we hear swearing and screaming big fight across the road all these cops come from no where Im on the porch still swaying dancing as they're chasing this dude threating to shoot him all the police lights were flashin and im like FUCKKK YEAAAAAA so after some shit goes on some pig eats shit and loses his keys so all the cops are looking for the keys and then I see a dude and yell out HEY HE'S OVER THERE One cop begins talking to me from across the street and IM thinking what the fuck am I doing Im high as shit and Im trying to do the right thing?
As the cop turns away I dart back inside and begin drawing then a powerful need to look at the sink comes in to play I stand at the sink for 10 minutes watching flashes shoot up and down I then decide I got enough balls to look in the mirror bad fuckin idea

I look up slowly and stare into the reflection BOOOM my mind explodes as my pupils become nothing and my image jumps out at me I fall on to the floor freaking out as shit is flying down onto me my friends gf runs in and calms me down I couldnt believe what just happened

the rest of the night I chilled out watchin My fave martian and inspector gadget MUST WATCH HIGH!!!

it's 6 am and I gotta catch a bus so I haul ass home on my bike still feeling totally fucked I try sleeping for a couple hours but the whole time images were running around in my head so I got 20 min of sleep and ate some carrots on the bus which were the best fuckin carrots of all time
I ended up at my buds in Van not going to bed till 3 am that night so I was up for some serious time peace!

oh yeah I was telling the event to a couple friends and my bud who was with me in the park when I told them about goin through the park my buddy stopped me saying that we were the only ones there woooooo Alice I love you
Well I guess it makes sense lol...I mean...what looks weirder than the most alien thing on the human body? Feet. I don't think I could handle that on Alice...I don't think that I would think my feet looked any different without the socks fact I would probably think I was peeling off skin... I hate the drug personally...had some bad experiences.