My hot sexy ladies are coming along fine

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Yo man, post pics of the naughty spots on all your plants tomorrow. Just like the ones you did today. I could of told you that was a male several days ago. Maybe we can get to the bottom of it tomorrow and the suspense can be over for you. Waiting for those preflowers was the most stressful part of the grow for me so far.


Well-Known Member
I will... only if you could see the work I have to do. I am literally running back and forth from my studio right now... I have to make all of these fucking clothes before monday for my class final collection. I am sewing and growing.... but later today at 4 when the lights kick back on I will go through everyone of them and snap pics... its hard though to get good shots cause of the lights... I appreciate the input though Mared.. Cheetah and everyone else....


Well-Known Member
hey duran

I am going to use a drip system in 1 1/2" rock wool cubes with big bud and crystal

my question is do I water the plants with nutes from the start or do I only use water for the start.

If so how long? any help will be much appreciated


Well-Known Member
hey duran

I am going to use a drip system in 1 1/2" rock wool cubes with big bud and crystal

my question is do I water the plants with nutes from the start or do I only use water for the start.

If so how long? any help will be much appreciated
did u start the seedlings or are you using clones... if seedlings how far along are you?


Well-Known Member
They are going to be seedlings. I have spent the last month gathering supplys and just got my seeds 2day. Im not to sure about the starting part of the nutes so I figured it would be good to know before I start. I picked up dutch master gold and some cal mag if it help. I plan to veg with drip and flower with ebb and flow. I have to take a quick trip 2 California in a week so I am going to start when I Get back


Well-Known Member
how many ladys u get duran? ill up load a few pics of mine later i have 3 2 realy good and the other has beeing the trial and error one which is realy bush just not tall like a bansai tree lol

im using hand made hydro set up on day 3 of flowering after 5 week veg i gave them 36 hours of dark before switching to 12/12 and belive it or not they luved it within the first 12 hours of switching light back on they grew 5 inches


Active Member
Sorry for the trouble you've had, and sorry for my lame question. :cry:

Best of luck to you and your girls!


Well-Known Member
i have a question about flushhing??

do you flush your reservoir or the soil that the plant is in

and if it is the soil/pellets then do you take the plant totally out and just put it back in...

mared juwan

Well-Known Member
Totally up to you. I would do some research on how long it takes into flower for the males to start releasing pollen. That would be a disaster. I don't really know, I killed mine ASAP. Getting the males out of there will let those runty females get a lot more light.


Well-Known Member
Totally up to you. I would do some research on how long it takes into flower for the males to start releasing pollen. That would be a disaster. I don't really know, I killed mine ASAP. Getting the males out of there will let those runty females get a lot more light.
yeah i will. you are right i know... later tonight i'll be back..