Pat, all is not lost. If you have the
passion for growing, you'll be able to do so again. Just use this for what it is, a rather HARSH lesson on security. We're in the same boat pretty much, and I certainly haven't given up the idea, in fact, I've had time to sit and go over notes (what they didn't get) and have many ideas on how to further fine tune my op. If you'd like, PM me and I'll send you my email.
This just sucks pure and simple, but it's a risk we take in doing what we do.
Remember when you get responses from Haters, that these idiots have never been in our position, and are talikng out of their asses. They are nobody, especially nobody to concern yourself with. LOTS of arm-chair lawyers out there who don't have a clue how the legal system works, or have never cracked a law book.
If you need, you can bounce ideas off me.
This MIGHT help you feel a bit better about YOUR plight: