My huge grow!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, pics are too blurry to make anything out. But 5 acres? Wow that is a lot. I know wild hemp doesnt have too much THC. Maybe you could make some hash or something will all of it. Where are you located that it grows wild like that?
i will try to get better pics. I live in the midwest. It grows in small bunches in certain spots in our hay fields. Then we mow the grass, bale it and feed to cows. Well a few mj plants/seeds get into the bales and grow where ever we feed our cattle. So we have alot of small 2-5 acres patches growing all over our farm. Always heard it will give u a headache.


Active Member
yeah i doubt your gunna get some good bud thats not hemp or filled with seed, but it agree with ralston, hash ALL that shit. you'll get stoned :)


Well-Known Member
Wonder how much you could influence the local wild plants by introducing some male commercial strain plants with them?


Well-Known Member
thats fuckin jokes man!
you should throw some Bomb Strains in there and start makin some moneyy
fuck the ditch weed shit :P
(just my opinion)