My idea for a super stealthy guerilla grow for next season... opinions?

thanks but no danks

Active Member
Ok, so security is a big deal where i live, for one, people hunt in just about all the forrest in my area, and 2, choppers take there rounds 2 or 3 times a grow season in my area

My grow this year is pretty stealthy, but im pretty sure my plants arent gettin g enough light, what i mean - xD

So this is my idea..

Right near my grow site there is this somewhat big cluster of thin trees that are all tangles up with each other(they almost look like large vines), and mix together to make a pretty tight canopy (will take a pic tomorrow hopefully to show what i mean), and the trees are mostly about 20/30 ft tall, and im thinking i coulld build some type of pallet to hold enough pots for how ever many plants i decide on, and of course add side railings and such so the pots wont somehow slide off, maybe paint so camo on em and stuff, and then put it up in the canopy of the viney trees

I think this would be a really good idea because it would put my plants closer to the sun for more light, with less things blocking light as well, no deer hunter is going to be looking in trees to find it, and the choppers probably wouldnt notice it if i placed it just right

So think this is a good idea and can pull this off? any suggestions?

only bad thing is having to climb the trees so much, but not really a big deal for me



Well-Known Member
It might be a pain to water. I have to water my potted plants every other day in this heat. That's a lot of heavy carrying and climbing.


Active Member
Maybe find another spot somewhere else. r find several spots and only put a few plants at each location. i think you'll be surprised how hard it is to spot a few plants. I sometimes lose track of where mine are. There have been times I was standing right next to my plants and couldnt find them. Good luck.


If you can manage to uplift water - it's nice :). Don't forget - 1 liter of water - 1 kilo. Or 1 gallon of water - sth. like 8 pounds probably. And bigger plants may need this 2 times a week, if there's no rain. Yes, 2 gallons of water to every plant, 1 time a week :).

If you could do everything, I bet you'll manage to build something for water either :D

thanks but no danks

Active Member
Maybe find another spot somewhere else. r find several spots and only put a few plants at each location. i think you'll be surprised how hard it is to spot a few plants. I sometimes lose track of where mine are. There have been times I was standing right next to my plants and couldnt find them. Good luck.
the issue is that i spent 2 days scouting my woods for the most open spot, and they still dont get enough light, my woods are really thick, it sucks, and i already have to carry that much water back there everyday so i little extra climbing wont be be too bad, although im not exactly sure if light is why my plants are so puny, it may just be the heat thats been staying in the 100's all damn summer


Well-Known Member
ok first thing. when the wind blows one tree will go one way and the other tree anther. stressing the nails bolts and whatever else. be very carefull not to be watering when they deside to let lose. the weight is huge. again be careful. people hunt for it where i live and find alot. they have found mine. but if you do a few spots and keep them small.


Well-Known Member
the issue is that i spent 2 days scouting my woods for the most open spot, and they still dont get enough light, my woods are really thick, it sucks, and i already have to carry that much water back there everyday so i little extra climbing wont be be too bad, although im not exactly sure if light is why my plants are so puny, it may just be the heat thats been staying in the 100's all damn summer
every guerilla growers problem, finding a spot not well seen from choppers and yet able to get enough sun, ur plant needs a good 5-6 hrs of "direct" sun, so orserve which way the trajectory of the goes and try to pick ur spot based on that, another thing u can do i clear out some of the brush with loppers that helps i little to , i had to do it to get some extra sun


Well-Known Member
Your idea here is actually quite common amongst low volume guirilla growers. Typically they will just strap one 5gal bucket to a bigger tree near the top to eliminate variables between a few trees. The option then is to get really good at climbing trees, or run a hose down the tree to a reachable level(maybe one branch climb up). This would require a decent pump, but could easily be battery operated as many pumps can run on 12v and lawnmower batteries are only about 20$.

Check out different pumps to find which ones will make a 20-30 foot climb up your standard garden hose. If needed you could reduce the hose diameter and that would relieve some of the stress off the motor, but increase fill time. Just keep in mind with that you then have to hide a hose

Other option is to set the bucket up on a pulley system, again you have to hide the rope and now you have to make sure you have a clear decent path. People usually camo paint the buckets.

thanks but no danks

Active Member
Your idea here is actually quite common amongst low volume guirilla growers. Typically they will just strap one 5gal bucket to a bigger tree near the top to eliminate variables between a few trees. The option then is to get really good at climbing trees, or run a hose down the tree to a reachable level(maybe one branch climb up). This would require a decent pump, but could easily be battery operated as many pumps can run on 12v and lawnmower batteries are only about 20$.

Check out different pumps to find which ones will make a 20-30 foot climb up your standard garden hose. If needed you could reduce the hose diameter and that would relieve some of the stress off the motor, but increase fill time. Just keep in mind with that you then have to hide a hose

Other option is to set the bucket up on a pulley system, again you have to hide the rope and now you have to make sure you have a clear decent path. People usually camo paint the buckets.
u kidding me i could climb trees all day haha :D
ive heard of people putting buckets in trees and i never thought i wouldits just this one particular cluster of trees really caught my eye, theres just no way someone will see it unless they are looking for it extremly had, but im definatly not trying to just tie a bucket to a tree, i really plan on getting some type of stable platform up there to support at least 15 in smaller pots then when they are sexed move the females into bigger pots

i'll post some pics maybe tomorrow, didnt realize today was friday when i said i would post some so i didnt have time

thanks but no danks

Active Member
every guerilla growers problem, finding a spot not well seen from choppers and yet able to get enough sun, ur plant needs a good 5-6 hrs of "direct" sun, so orserve which way the trajectory of the goes and try to pick ur spot based on that, another thing u can do i clear out some of the brush with loppers that helps i little to , i had to do it to get some extra sun
i think the trajectory is what got me man, my plants have a nice big open area above them but i never bothered to pay attention to the sun til it was too late, all i knew when i found it was it was about 3:00 and bright, not like i had many places to choose from anyways


In my opinion building a platform doesn't amount to a super stealthy grow. You'd probably be better off finding a diff location all together if you had to do that... it sounds like a lot of work that might also make it more identifiable. You're positive you have no other places to grow?

thanks but no danks

Active Member
In my opinion building a platform doesn't amount to a super stealthy grow. You'd probably be better off finding a diff location all together if you had to do that... it sounds like a lot of work that might also make it more identifiable. You're positive you have no other places to grow?
well heres the thing, in my area, all the woods are hunted, and luckily i know most of the poeple that hunt on the land where i have them at, so its not as big a deal there, most of them are just chill red necks that probably have their own grow somewhere xD

theres plently of woods near me, but theres nearly no open areas in them, plus i dont know how often people hunt them or who hunts them, but i know they do, there hasnt been a patch of woods ive never seen a truck parked in front of around here, and like i said i will post some pics of the trees to show you, it really wont be that hard, i can honestly say ive never even looked up while walking through it until i thought of this, so why wouldn anyone else, and the canopy is so tight if i put it towards the top and cover it up well enough no one will ever see it


Well-Known Member
look if ur feelin the area, go w/ ur gut , none of us no how traveled different areas of ur woods r , only u do, and if u feel thats the best possible place go for it, another perk to that is u dnt have to worry about deer of rabbits gettin at ur shit, they got me a few times this year,