My im possible tiring hunt for a suitable reflector


Active Member
hi all,

I have been searching for a few days now an still am unable to find anywhere which sells 400w reflectors matching the following mesurements 17(L)x14(W)x6(H)...

I have come close but with the strict space im using (roughly dr60 type size) its hard to find suitable reflectors to fit into my restricted grow room.

So i decided to pop into here an ask the minds of RIU an see if you lot can help me. Im seeking this type of reflectors, because in the future i plan to upgrade into the 400w world as a few months of growing under my oddly pretty good grow style now is getting tiring when i only pull out a zip per plant each time.

an i no the higher the watts you upgrade to the more yelding you can look at hitting. Plus im aware that i will need to upgrade into the hydro nute world but for the time being this is all just my curious mind looking at possibilities until i finally win the uk lotto lol

SO all suggestions or links to possible places will all me very welcome!

Thanks to all who comment and everyone whos touched RIU with there awesome wisdom of that tiny plant which makes life soooooo much less stressful.


Active Member
there is no reflector by is the BALLAST that is 400watts(or 600 or 1000) that works with any reflector.
so your just looking for a reflector with those dimensions right?

this is the closest one i could find for you~>

or this one~>

other than these i dont think they exist....might wind up just having to use CFL's


Active Member
so your just looking for a reflector with those dimensions right?

or this one~>

other than these i dont think they exist....might wind up just having to use CFL's
yes bucannabis, it is the reflector i am seeking, i would get a tent but the money side of things are a little tight so to speak. which is why im just searching at the moment. i will recheck the mesurements with my closet mesurements as if im able to get that reflector it sure will be one tight fit in my closet. an thank you for fiding that one, as i searched about 40 different sites an couldnt find a thing, so its nice to see fellow growers willing to help.

Or if you are a DIY type, just make one yourself.
i can do some DIY stuff, but i dount touch eletrical DIY stuff as i have a tendency of shocking myself multiple times. an the old eilbert einstien hair style doesnt really suit me that well with my long hair standing to attention. but if i find anyone who can then i will also look into that idea, so thank you also Athlonjedi for your suggestion!


Active Member
i dont really mind brotherjerico. the only thing i need to keep strict with is the reflector mesurements. due to my closet being pretty tight.

but if i win the lotto (all fingers crossed lol) then i wouldnt need to have to budget browse. but thanks for the effort to brotherj.

its been a long old day for me so right now im off to get a much deserved sleep. so il catch up with any new posts on this tomorrow when im refreshed. have a nice day all!


Active Member
i know a grow tent would be best, but right now im just looking around as i might not be able to afford a grow tent and light upgrading... so if i cant afford the grow tent i have to make do with the space i have on offer. yous ee not everyone can straight up buy a full grow kit without worrying about the price tag nowdays.