my insane greenhouse grow


Well-Known Member
4 the hungry eyes....

leave me some comments its my first grow ever, even though it looks crazy there are only 5 plants inside the greenhouse, some are just about 12 feet in length..... ;-) had a tough time binding them down...



Well-Known Member
If i had a greenhouse that was a weed jungle such as yours, i'd be grabbing a hammock and sleeping in there, mad chill man, good job


Well-Known Member
thx dudes will post more pics tomorrow, until then let your own gods be with you...aaaaaaaaaaand stay frosty.........


Well-Known Member

with all these monster plants yo, outdoor growin i be see'n

how in the hell do ya'll manage to water all them bitches yo?

and nut'em?




Well-Known Member
If i had a greenhouse that was a weed jungle such as yours, i'd be grabbing a hammock and sleeping in there, mad chill man, good job
hah, my thoughts exactly. those are some really nice leaves. are they as big as your head yet? I'll probably fall asleep in my grow room a few times. the sweet smell of mary j and the quiet hum of fans with their warm breeze. a window in my grow room would make it perfect to look out at the snow.


Well-Known Member
well theres only 5 babes inside the greenhouse, i remove a little part of soil around the stem, then i fill up the little pit with a mixture of cheap lawnfertilizer stirred with water, afterwards i put the top soil back around the stem,.. every second time i just give them water.


Well-Known Member
well the plants stopped making big leafes, had one plant that made 2 sets that was 13 fingered!! gooooooooood i love the resinproduction, such a sweet scent in da greenhouse ;-)


Well-Known Member
Sweet GH dood,wow great first grow bro!
I have a small greenhouse and have run into smell problems big time! Can you you smell anything outside or around the greenhouse? i have some ogkush and just in veg,i can smell it 3 houses down either wdirection....This sucks but i just so happen to have 3 or 4 skunks that live in my backyard in the brush,all neighbors have seen the skunks so do i even need to worry? Or can i just blame it on the skunks?! Would ona gel have any effect on odor in a greenhouse?


Well-Known Member
haha blame it on the skunks for sure. but look into a carbon filter. nice monsters man!


Well-Known Member
I'd go for a carbon filter. you can put a small fan in the green house blowing into the carbon filter and exhaust it to the outside. this will create a small vacuum in the greenhouse and feel any smells from escaping. best way to do it in my opinion. I wouldn't take the risk