My journey

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
its the dirt i got from wal-mart. i'm planning on going to Lowe's within the next few days for better soil. any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
its the dirt i got from wal-mart. i'm planning on going to Lowe's within the next few days for better soil. any suggestions?
yea lol
anything is better then that soil u got
just buy any soil get some miracle grow, fertilizer , vermiculte, perlite and mix it up
thats wat i do ,and always grows goood

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
lol. . . . i guess thats why you do research before listening to a friend that says they've done it before!
thats what was figuring. so i can find it all atLowe's? Thats great! thank you much arab! hopefully all this will be worth it! if i get a male i'll be so sad! : )

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Ok so i went to lowes and fuckin scored! And this is my commercial for mastercard.
ph-moisture-light tester for soil: $8
24-12-12 jungle grow soil: $6
digital humidity/temp gauge: $9
2, 1075 lumen 6500k 24in floro bulbs: $12
nutes for flowering: $5

Knowing that you have everything you need to help your beautiful marijuana grow to its best. . . . priceless!!!!

Oh and the cali seed is in soil, it germinated and is beautiful. put it in yest. this morning two starter leaves were saying hi to me! And i transplanted Bob backwards into the new soil but my cat was fucking with it last night, hopefully its ok. we'll see when i get home!! Posting pics tonight!
Oh and i tweaked my grow space!! You'll see later!

Love, peace, and chicken grease!


Active Member
Ok. So i might as well tag my journal on to yours since we are doing it basically together. So my plant here is just about a month old its seriously has just taken off. From sprout to now the damn thing literally hasn't stopped growing. Its pushing 7 inches it has now stopped growing up and has started developing all those beautiful fan leaves. I'm pretty happy with how things are going. Two incondensent lamps on the sides not putting out very much in terms of lumen's but are def. getting the job done getting the lower leaves some light. i also have two 100 watt cfls one hanging over the small sprout which is a week old and one other one hanging over a set of cups with seeds germinated in them. Now over the big bitch i have a 150 watt cfl putting out 3000 lumens so its getting the job done till i get my hps. Ok so i have it on a timer now set at 18 hours on and 6 hours off. its veggin perfect and growing nicely. I plan on leaving it on there for a bit longer maybe a week or two longer to really make sure its maturing nicely. Im growing it in moisture lock miricale grow. Im also adding a mirical grow plant food its helping with nitrogen input. the ph of my soil is right around 6.8, 7 the temp in the room is 80 at night 92 during the day i know that sounds hot im in fucking Florida not much i can do. However its not seeming to effect the plant to much in that i have a fan that is on when the lights are on. I also to help with keeping the temp down have set my lights to be off during the day and on at night that way it doesn't get over 95 in there ever. I also have a CO2 set up with a simple two liter some baking yeast and sugar its working fantastic. Ok now for some questions i hope i covered all the info needed to help me out. oh and the humidity is ~60% after water which takes places every three days, and at ~50% when drinking all that shit up.

1) Why do some of the leaves near the bottom seem to be wilting already? they by no means look unhealthy in color or any of that they are just kinda turning in.

2) Should I be conserned with the roots from the big one killing the little one that is plenty of grow room for both of them but the roots I cant see so you can imagine my problem right.

3) How much longer do you guys think the veg process needs to go for till i start flowering?

4) Please just take a look at some of the pics and give me any input you can think of any help is fantastic.

Thanks for taken a look i will take a picture every thee days after watering an update all the temps and pics so i can get all the input i can from you guys. thanks. SMOKE um IF YOU GOT UM :joint:


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Completely hijack my journal huh! I see how it is..... lol
at least you have something to write about.

Oh by the by nothing new is happening, 7 tiny leaves all together. I'm germinating 6 seeds from some decent reggie so we'll see what happens. Oh twistup, thanks for the seeds and by the way. . . . . . . . . .your plant likes me more!


Active Member
negative my plant loves me i spent 45 mins yesterday just looking at it. i dont spend that much time with my gf. so you do the math. ok so my plant has orange tips and i cant figure out why any help would be greatly appreciated! are you at bayou or sorento today june 3rd?

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
So i tried almost everything to try and make my baby happy but nothing seemed to help the way i think it should have. But the new soil did help the growth in Bob-b.
So i got some seeds from Twistup and planted those little ladies. After 1 day I have three with green showing and the rest will shed their shells tmrw! Also i took out the HPS light and put in some CFL's. Seems to be helping already!
Looking forward to this new grow, hopefully i'll veg for 3-4 weeks and begin flowering. Hopefully what i have now will work better. i think it will!


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
So i came home from work today and was surprised to see 3 of the 7 seeds already rockin out with two of the starter leaves and two reg leaves! Decided to put everything on 24/7 for another 4-10 days, and see how they like that. I have a feeling im going to have to get some more CFL's.......I was thinking 8 lights for 6 plants? do you think for something like that 26w (100w) cfl's would be sufficient? Anybody shoot me a holler!


Well-Known Member
So i came home from work today and was surprised to see 3 of the 7 seeds already rockin out with two of the starter leaves and two reg leaves! Decided to put everything on 24/7 for another 4-10 days, and see how they like that. I have a feeling im going to have to get some more CFL's.......I was thinking 8 lights for 6 plants? do you think for something like that 26w (100w) cfl's would be sufficient? Anybody shoot me a holler!
yea that should do
or if u can put them in natural sunlight that would even be better

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I actually have a couple of them in this part of my florida room that gets a lot of sunlight. I wanna see the difference.
Arab, what do you think is up with Bob-backwoards? I think 32 or 33 days and look at it??????


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah my Cat nibbled on Bob-b alittle too! F'n cats! ! !
One of my kittens chewed off half of one of the first two fan leafs. It set it's growth back about 2 weeks. Now it's one of my best plants.

Then when I was doing my first repot the other kitten bit a hole in one fan leaf. It only had 4 plus the 2 little round ones. Now it's my best plant.

I'm thinking I should let the little nip heads bite every plant I grow.

You can see the pics in the journal also so a cfl set up of 10 mini spirals.


Active Member
hey waffles i think i figures out what the light green dark green colors and the death at the tips is being caused by. I think that the lamps were to close i raised them all up. its looking promising. I have a 150w cfl the one i have over the big plant over the 5 newest members. They are loving it by the way. oh and the little big one is starting to grow its second canopy. dude i think its just my room or maybe you are just meant to smoke the shit hahaha wouldnt that be a about a bitch. anyways your cat has a fucked up tail probably caused by some freak strain of feline aids that she picked up hooking one night....fucking whore....any ways im fucken baked my girl is at some party doing god knows what im in my underware drinking and thinking of you...i mean weed...anyways h to the izzo ya dig

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
One of my kittens chewed off half of one of the first two fan leafs. It set it's growth back about 2 weeks. Now it's one of my best plants.

Then when I was doing my first repot the other kitten bit a hole in one fan leaf. It only had 4 plus the 2 little round ones. Now it's my best plant.

I'm thinking I should let the little nip heads bite every plant I grow.

You can see the pics in the journal also so a cfl set up of 10 mini spirals.
Well that definetly makes me feel a little better about life! I was thinkin of going with 8-10 26w CFL's. I'll take a look the journal and see whats up!!!
Thanks for the encouragement!!!

is it the one in the blue bucket,
:cry: yeah its the one in the big bucket. You've been watching so you can def. see it's much healthier and looking better? right.
thanks for all the support Arab. ~~~~~This ones for you :joint: *puff puff*

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
hey waffles i think i figures out what the light green dark green colors and the death at the tips is being caused by. I think that the lamps were to close i raised them all up. its looking promising. I have a 150w cfl the one i have over the big plant over the 5 newest members. They are loving it by the way. oh and the little big one is starting to grow its second canopy. dude i think its just my room or maybe you are just meant to smoke the shit hahaha wouldnt that be a about a bitch. anyways your cat has a fucked up tail probably caused by some freak strain of feline aids that she picked up hooking one night....fucking whore....any ways im fucken baked my girl is at some party doing god knows what im in my underware drinking and thinking of you...i mean weed...anyways h to the izzo ya dig
LOL at first i thought you were writing my dog! <BAKED> Well hopefully that will help her out. I've got two of my sprouts that are catching up to yours! HA anyways i'll give ya a call later today!


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
so i went online and ordered some sockets and those "Y" light socket adapters. Im planning on 2 26w daylight CFL's over two plants. i'll have a total of six lights in this fashion . with pots spaced in 2 rows of three.
also i had planned to have a 26w CFL in between the middle row and the outside row. to compensate for light distribution i will also have two 24in 1000+ lumen tube flouro's vertically facing in on th outside rows! i hope to have this done within a few days, it all depends on when the stuff gets delivered! ! !
does this setup sound as if it will work well for 6-7 plants?
also for flowering i will be re-introducing the HPS, along with changing the two hanging CFL's and the tubes to a redder spectrum bulb!