My June 25 2011 Herijuana Outdoor Grow; Somewhere in Alabama


Hey everyone, this is my first grow of any sort kinda experimenting really with only soil from a 8 yr old garden mixed with some miracle grow moisture control and 2morrow i'll be getting some Jobe's all purpose organic ferterlizer spikes (remember experimenting only). Anyways here are a pics of my 2 outdoor Heri plants they are at day 26,,, are they small or are they about average and also a quick question for more experiment growers, just by first guessing do any of the pics have any female qualities...
They are getting about 10 hours of direct sunlight and maybe 2-3 of indirect sunlight and are being water every 3-4 days.
P.S. They are being grown in a garder surrounded by okra plants (stealth) will this be good company for my plants, and no,,,, i dont have them too close to the other plants.
Thank you, i really need some help!!!!WP_000000.jpgWP_000002.jpgWP_000001.jpgWP_000008.jpgWP_000006.jpgWP_000004.jpgWP_000005.jpgWP_000003.jpgWP_000007.jpgWP_000000.jpgWP_000002.jpgWP_000001.jpgWP_000008.jpgWP_000006.jpgWP_000004.jpgWP_000005.jpgWP_000003.jpgWP_000007.jpg


Active Member
Better late than never huh? Just messin. I can't wait to see how these go for ya. I am within 3 weeks indoor with Heribei and El Monstra and I have some outdoors as well. But ya I was just gonna say they are both majorly covered in trichomes and this is the best genetics I have ever grown and will never attempt bag seeds again lol. I'm interested in getting some of those Herijuana seeds. Keep us posted/break a stem.

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
looking good man :D oh btw..
I traced your IP address and now I located you on google earth, but cant see the garden too well. pls keep this updated on their progress! ;)

Medical Grade

Well-Known Member
an admin, would know that eye pee addresses are transparent to non-admins, and that this was joke. All your base are belong to us.


Well-Known Member
Don't let them boys fuc with with ya dude.

Keep us updated I have some heri beans going as well. My relative grew some out last year and I fel in love with the buzz and sandlewood taste!. You will be happy if ya take care of em.

Really do not let them guys scare ya off, they are what we call baboons and serve no purpose in your thread except abolishing mans good name.
i live in la and i assume u know what i mean. last year i had my first successful outdoor grow i put my plants in the ground june 1st and in oct when i pulled my pat i had a 7ft monster that prduced a qp of dried bud. i grew it from a bagseed of reggie and pulled the males and was left with 4 zones of some of the best nugs i ever smoked so yeah fuk that guy that sed beter late than never
mircale grow with 20-20-20 once a week till it starts to flower then switch to 10-60-10 or shultz bloom burst use it once a week the problem is ur weed will still be growing when your garden is dead


Well-Known Member
Whats up my bad it took so long to give you all an update on my Heri's, since my last post i've had to chop down one of them a week ago this dude was damn near 6ft tall, but my other heri was a chik and is about 29 inches and has been flowering for about 2 weeks now ( I THINK, 2 MUCH BLUE CHEESE & PURP) i am totally lost on the flowering times, by the way can anyone give me an estimate about how far along i am in to flowering!!!
This pic is from July 21, 2011
And these are from today Aug 4, 2011
