my ladies got a yeast infection :P


Well-Known Member
eyy wus going on erybody... alright... so i went to the hydro shop afew days ago. and the guy threw my some PH down for free.... so i was thinking of the natural stuff u could use instead of PH up...... my girlfreind out of fucking nowhere. the girl that hates weed says...... vegetable oil is a base, ik its true. so i put a tspn. in my feed. PH'd it... and it didnt move. so i added another tspn...... nothing..... i water my ladies anyways............ 2 days later i have white fungi forming on the top of my soil. real fuzzy shit... so i get new water wash erything out..... flushed em with 1 tspn of hydrogen peroxide per gallon.... next day.... more appeared.... plz someone help me out. i dont have a digi cam. but its white fungi, should i just keep flushing with the H2o/ hydrogen peroxide????????????? pe@ce


Active Member
well veg oil may be a base but it is still oil and oil and watter dont mix so even though you put it in you ph'd the watter so the oil will never change that

the white shit got no clue