My Ladies have Streched


hi i have my ladys under a 600w with parabolic shade, i always have had it no more than 8 inches away,i started of with the 400w for 4 weeks then switched tothe 600w but they have streached over 2 foot bigger than they suppose to anyone got any idea why? thanks bigcol


New Member
cheers blotto but they will be hard to lst as the stems are about an inch thick they will prob snap,,
Super cropping then? I did that to a flowering babe of mine, and the stalk looked really bad. the top cola literally fell over, but turned around in a week, and was growing straight up out of a stalk that was literally fucked, and bent 180 degrees downward.


i have done it to about 4 of them but i think i have left it to late as they were about 10 inch away from light and my light wasrite at top maxed out it cant go anymore, the ones i super cropped have took about 5 days and now are bending back up about 5 inch from light, i have 4 weeks flowering left hope they dont grow no more mate, my light dont give of to much heat as my bulb is vertical,,,