my lady :)


Active Member
My girl is in day 4 of flowering, I topped her 5 minutes ago :o

I heard you aren't supposed to top in flowering, but its still in the early stages of budding so I hope it won't hurt.

Right now I have (2) 20 watt white and (2) 30 watt orange CFL lights on her. How many lights should I buy? I was thinking of getting (2) 42 watt 2700 orange lights to add. Should I get 4? Or how many lights should I use from now till harvest?

Please and thank you. (-.-)



Well-Known Member
you should only need one light especialy for one plant. that looks way young.

topping your plant should be done early in vegitative growth so u can grow 2 seperate stalks, each with theyre own top.

the fact that u did it now is fine tho, it will just take a bit longer for it to grow back.

id say send it back into vegetative growth for a while. till its a little bushier. wait for more bud sites to show up and then flower it.


Well-Known Member
its bushy in the sence that it has big fan leaves. u need the smaller stalks that come out of the nodes were the big leaves come out of the stalk.

try cutting off a few of the lower big fan leaves along with putting the light a little closer. all u would need is one flood lamp with a halogen bulb. costs like 20 bucks works great. that one light would be good for up to 4 plants.

keep that light close, send it into veg again, cut off some bigger fan leaves and wait a bit. then flower it. dont worry about the top on this one, its too late.


Active Member
I like CFL's Cuz they save energy. Here is my plants stats
Light cycle is 12:00am off
12:00PM on.

Wednesday, September 17th; day 6 of flowering.

12 budsites
Topped on the 4th day of flowering.

Plant is 3 weeks old.

Should I just cut clones? I have 2 baby female plants as well.


Well-Known Member
i can`t see long enuff branches to cut there, in fact i don`t see any branches at all..maybe i`m just stoned


Well-Known Member
I strongly recommend that you don't cut off any fan leaves. There is no need to go crazy with the pruning, especially since you flowered so early. Nothing wrong with doing that, especially with CFLs, but pruning is only going to hinder the maturation of your plant, which will have a harder time bouncing back because of its size. Plus, you are taking the plant's energy away from producing the buds when you start crazy-pruning during flower. I say don't do it. :leaf:


Active Member
Thanks for the info. I know that pruning is bad when the plant is focused on bud rather than its vegetation. I just cut 1 leaf off and imma leave it at that. I think the plant is coming out of shock from the topping. Ill post more pics later :)


Junior Creatologist
are they confirmed females? can you hook up a pic to show this? like everyone else is sayin, the plant looks a lil premature to be flowering right now. You said 3 wks old right? if i was you, i would give it maybe another week or two of veg to let the stems beef up, and maybe even top it a couple more times so you end up with a shitload of kolas. If not, just get yourself 1 150w sunlight red spectrum cfl for one plant, n you should be golden - but you should really let her get bigger before you force flower thisone..


Junior Creatologist
its bushy in the sence that it has big fan leaves. u need the smaller stalks that come out of the nodes were the big leaves come out of the stalk.

try cutting off a few of the lower big fan leaves along with putting the light a little closer. all u would need is one flood lamp with a halogen bulb. costs like 20 bucks works great. that one light would be good for up to 4 plants.

keep that light close, send it into veg again, cut off some bigger fan leaves and wait a bit. then flower it. dont worry about the top on this one, its too late.

what are u talkin about man? its too late for what? that plant is still a baby. It aint too late to do ANYTHING to it. He can top it like 4 times, he can LST it, he can pretty much do anything he wants to the plant and it would still turn out awesome if he takes care of it properly. the plant only has three nodes, with baby nodes still forming- he has nothin but time man.

N hurley - i know that you wanna flower your babies as soon as possible cuz u cant wait for that free smoke, but seriously, if you flower now, you wont come out with a whole lot of ganja. Yes, granted, youll probably get a couple L's out of it, but wouldnt you rather be patient, let it grow a little more, and get an ounce or two out of it?? - just weigh your options..

N i aksed this earlier - is that a CONFIRMED female? can you get a closeup of some plant pussy for us to check out please??


Active Member
Yes its confirmed :)
I am doing all of this from my phone, and I think I will do what you advised. The plant has actually been growing for about a month and a week. I am gonna veg it for a week or so. I can't get a close up picture of the vaginas Cuz my camera on my blackberry is garbage. Curse the 1.3mp cameras on pearls :(

I am pretty sure I am getting some hps for flowering soon :D

I have been keeping a fan on it when it gets its light. I also have a 2 week baby femalè. And the fan leaf I cut yesterday, I planted it as a clone, and it didn't die, so I guess its a go for that random clone x)


Well-Known Member
its bushy in the sence that it has big fan leaves. u need the smaller stalks that come out of the nodes were the big leaves come out of the stalk.

try cutting off a few of the lower big fan leaves along with putting the light a little closer. all u would need is one flood lamp with a halogen bulb. costs like 20 bucks works great. that one light would be good for up to 4 plants.

keep that light close, send it into veg again, cut off some bigger fan leaves and wait a bit. then flower it. dont worry about the top on this one, its too late.
OMG...I so totally disagree with this statement. First, don't cut ANY leaves off. Fan leaves, even the lower ones, are what give energy to the bud sites. If the fan leaves start yellowing later in flowering then you can remove them. They are no longer useful at that point.
Second, don't use a halogen light. They are ineffecient, giving off a lot of heat for the lumens they put out. There are MUCH better lighting choices which give off the optimum spectrum of light. Halogen is just another version of incandescent.


Active Member
Oh and btw I didn't even take in to consideration of what glass freak said, I don't think he knows wtf he is talking about. Halogen lights are garbage x)


Junior Creatologist
i dont think your lookin at the right thing for sex here hurley, check it.

Heres a pic of a plant that i have ben growin for almost two months now. I put it into flowering 5 days ago, and it just showed sex this morning:

This is a pic with sex showing, circled in green:

here is a pic of the spikes on a plant that grows on both male and female plants. This is not an indicator of sex...

Ok, now u see the spikes everywhere on the stem? those are not sex organs, they are just part of every plant, wether it be male or female. You see behind the one spike? those two little hairs popping out right behind it? those are the plants pistils - the vagina. Those will only show up after the plants start to flower. Im only showing you this because you said that you have a 2 week old confirmed female, and i really think your lookin at the wrong thing here. I hope this helped a lil bit.

sorry if im wrong and you have confirmed sex on your plants, but that one pic of your stem shows nothing but the spikes that im talkin about. I cant remember the name of the spikes, but theyre not calyxes. Sorry man..