My Lazy Arsed Grow Journal


Well-Known Member
i'm still not sure haaha

what bitch is getting the treatment?
Lol...........thanks for the tips mate, ive done 1 branch on the livers, psycho an the exo mate :)

Lovaly jubberly rob, they do look like they got bigger mate!!

Pukka...4-5 wks is plenty of time for a seed to mature, for an 8 weeks strain that gives you a solid 5 weeks.
Thanks for that HC, i fluffed at 3 an there goin 9 so hopefully will turn out good!

And both SLH ive grown lads have had some of the most heavyist hardest buds ive grown not airy atall, even the lower down stuff was propa solid!


Well-Known Member
They all love the Dog in So Cal as well. Mine finished in 7 weeks and only 1 single male flower in 5 plants. Got a nice little bud with bout 15 seeds. About a seed an ounce worked out to. Heavy yielder too.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
i know plenty of peeps got a few pips in the crop but who's going to complain about selfed female pips in the dog?! not like there's hundreds of them.


Well-Known Member
u know what robbie ur ignoring me blanking me? were the respect? i let use my server sort u out
i dont give to recieve but wen u dont reply to any of my fukin pms blank msn and ignore every single comment,
guess u dint do what u sed then,
now i know, ive delted u of msn so fuk it lesson learned cudda sent that teenth to someone who would have respected it uve fukin upset me bruv with ur actions and yeh im putting it on your thread u dont reply to my pms u say u sent that 2 weeks ago lol w.eva in a bit,

have a nice day,,
not had a fucking pm off you to reply back to bro and unlike you i aint on my msn all the fucking time OR on the internet ALL the time , Ive been covering out of hours call for the last 2 weeks working 14-16 hour days some days n im fucking knackered at night so im soooo fucking sorry if i havnt had time to talk to you online .... you dont listen to a thing i tell you any way if you did you would pull more that 3 oz off 8 plants .... i sent you a hash sample in the post 100% , if you not recieved it thats not my problem , ive sent stuff to others with no problem so its clearly a problem your end !!
Your teenth you sent me wasnt even great yet your going on and on about it like it was amazing weed !! it was early , tasted of chemicals due to no flush and the high lasted about 10 min max ... you wanna stop fucking asking stupid questions on here , stop moaning about shit on here , and go sort yourself out!! you go on about being a family man .. if that was true ud ring a ambulance go to fuckin hospital and get your foot sorted before it gets cut off like 99% of the folk in uk forum ARE TELLING YOU TO DO ! instead of fucking whining because im too bust to hold your hand while you fuck up another grow !!!

have a nice fucking day !

PS ... its 11.35pm and ive just walked through the door since 7am this morning , i dont need shit liuke this after a long day ! goodbye !


Well-Known Member
alright all , just a quick heads up guys , ill carry on updating this thread just because of all the people who have taken the time to watch it but once its done i aint gonna bother with riu anymore , too many idiots and people causing unwanted dramam n shit on here , most the decent growers keep themselves to themselves and only have contact with a few , thats what im gonna do , ill keep in touch with my friends on here and all my fellow assholes but i just cant be bothered anymore , enough is enough for me :)


Well-Known Member
What an asshole depriving us of such beautiful scrog work. Was hoping to get scrog tips from you in the future. Got a haze hybrid coming up and after finding a mother I wantedthink it should be ran in a scrog.

Be sure to throw some pics in my threads in the future and keep in touch

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
not had a fucking pm off you to reply back to bro and unlike you i aint on my msn all the fucking time OR on the internet ALL the time , Ive been covering out of hours call for the last 2 weeks working 14-16 hour days some days n im fucking knackered at night so im soooo fucking sorry if i havnt had time to talk to you online .... you dont listen to a thing i tell you any way if you did you would pull more that 3 oz off 8 plants .... i sent you a hash sample in the post 100% , if you not recieved it thats not my problem , ive sent stuff to others with no problem so its clearly a problem your end !!
Your teenth you sent me wasnt even great yet your going on and on about it like it was amazing weed !! it was early , tasted of chemicals due to no flush and the high lasted about 10 min max ... you wanna stop fucking asking stupid questions on here , stop moaning about shit on here , and go sort yourself out!! you go on about being a family man .. if that was true ud ring a ambulance go to fuckin hospital and get your foot sorted before it gets cut off like 99% of the folk in uk forum ARE TELLING YOU TO DO ! instead of fucking whining because im too bust to hold your hand while you fuck up another grow !!!

have a nice fucking day !

PS ... its 11.35pm and ive just walked through the door since 7am this morning , i dont need shit liuke this after a long day ! goodbye !
Well put Robbie brother. Damn straight up!

kevin murphy

New Member
chin up robbie lad all will be well in a few days mate no need to be rash riu would lose a stella grower ill spark up a fatty for ya mate


Well-Known Member
chin up robbie lad all will be well in a few days mate no need to be rash riu would lose a stella grower ill spark up a fatty for ya mate
not being rash mate , like i say my friends know where i am ... just aint bothered bout drama and thats all there ever is on uk thread and 80% of riu in general , this next comment isnt aimed at you kev but since the top decided to employ 300 mods i think the forum really has gone down the pan , theres so much un modded shit to say there so many mods ... your one of the few who actually do anything

kevin murphy

New Member
cant be everywere mate if i could i would lol..but yea there are alot sum dont contribute but alot of mods do just bedding in time for all to sort things out it will be better in the coming weeks and months thing to do is just ignore mate simple as that that way theres no bickering just smile and move on lol


Well-Known Member
cant be everywere mate if i could i would lol..but yea there are alot sum dont contribute but alot of mods do just bedding in time for all to sort things out it will be better in the coming weeks and months thing to do is just ignore mate simple as that that way theres no bickering just smile and move on lol

bickering dont bother me , but blatent attacks on me piss me off ... read the uk thread from last night the big fuck off post in LARGE RED letters from ukrg is what pissed me off n pushed me over the edge ... its sorted now but ive had done with the uk growers mate ... been on my mind for awhile now


Well-Known Member
I think it'd be a shame for you to leave RIU. There are lots of threads without drama, you just gotta find em and stay away from the others. If the ukgrowers thread is drama, then stay off it. Easy. And use the ignore button... I use it alot, hehehe. Only problem is it's so tempting to see what they posted anyways, lol.

Whatever you decide, good luck bro. You seem like a real cool cat.

EDIT: you are always welcome on my thread. Nothing but good times over there.


Well-Known Member
hmmm looks like the scrog has decided its own destiny ?!?!? just been to check on here and top the res up and found that even though the pump is working , the clay pebbles are wet and i can see it dripping nutes onto the pebbles, the plants seems to of dried out and looks like its been hung for a week ???? WTF ... heres the pics , i think im gonna have to chop it later and then check the roots out ... least there was only a week left ... this makes it day 54 ... its abit too early but better than nothing lmao



Well-Known Member
That main stem doesnt look to healthy on that mate, maybe its just the pic??

Still looks like a hefty amount though :-D


Well-Known Member
That's really weird... I wonder what's going on. But like scotia said, looks like a nice little harvest to be had.


Well-Known Member
thats a shame bout the plant m8, spose thats the thing with hydro can fuck up quickly still a decent amount there and shes had ripen for a while so should taste pretty good too.


Well-Known Member
main stems looked liked that for a few weeks scotia , its just some salt build up on the stem lol .... fuck knows why the plant has decided to go fucked , iv just chopped it all anyway ill get some pics of roots , stem etc in a sec :)


Well-Known Member
Really is a strange one mate especially when it was only on water & ripen she was getting. Ur fans and filter working ok?