my leavs r goin yellow ?????


Active Member
this is probley a common problem but my leavs are startin to turn yellow wot could that be?????????


New Member
You really should post pics, not that I could tell, but the ones that could need to see. They could be yellow for a long list of things as I understand. And you will find alot of picks of symptoms both in stickys and postings. G´luck....


Well i need some piks ur ph ur nutes and how much of the nutes did u add tho the plant and temps and wat light u using u need all these for people to help u out

trichlone fiend

New Member
...depending on the age of your plants, sounds like you need fertilizing. Coca will prevent overwatering, but you still need to add some fertilizers (N-P-K)


Well-Known Member
Give her some nitrogen if the tips are yellow, less light if the leaves are also curling (*note, curling, not clawing or anything) up.

Any more aid is impossible without visuals.

:peace: bongsmilie

trichlone fiend

New Member
yellow tips are a sign of OVER fertilizing def can also cause similar tip yellowing. I have a feeling the OP has yellowing of lower I correct rory09?


Well-Known Member
As mentioned if the plants leaves are yellowing at the tips you have over fertilized.

Leaves that have become completely yellow, while the rest of the plant is lush and colorful are dying naturally. This happens when branches become dominant over leaves and starts at the bottom and works it way up the plant - slowly.

If your whole plant is starting to turn a yellowish green color it's time for you to fertilize again.

trichlone fiend

New Member
...your plants are in need of nitrogen. On every fertilizer, you'll see 3 numbers (10-5-5) or (N-P-K).....N= nitrogen (always the 1st #) P = phosphous (always the 2nd #) K= Potassium (always the 3rd #) need some fertilizer with a high (N) during veg/grow, and fertilizer with a high (P) for flowering/bud/bloom...while giving (K) in low amounts and constantly.
Good organic fertilizers for newbies, IMO are bat guanos.