My LED laboratory


Well-Known Member
How many floods did you purchase ?? and there is no priceing on the site, do you need to email them or something??


Well-Known Member
yes you do.....I ordered 4 red LED floods, and 4 blue led floods....21-25 apiece
panels are 30.....they have a 90wt for 420, and a 300wt for 1280....

I find the company extremely reliable. and will be using them again.


Well-Known Member
When you bough the floods did you get solid colors like a red one and a blue on or did you get the one with both colors in one?


Well-Known Member
And what would you be paying monthly to run said set-up?
then you have heat to contend with....yadda yadda yadda
That box costs nothing to run 24/7.....and stays at a constant 75f
I added the back 2 cfls and the panels for a boost yes....after a week and a half of bloom, but the plant was raised just fine on the 4 led floods and 1 cfl
expecting over an oz without even trying.

not trying to compete with commercial ops. though I know a few who are now wanting to purchase the same lights to boost their mh/hps sytems.....expensive yes.....But I don't shop at wal-mart.......((((just a hardcore smoker with too much time on his hands who likes to get high and create things.))))

amen... he is right... LoL


Well-Known Member
So u think then 4 blue 4 red floods and 4 panels for a 3x2x5 foot tall area is good?
with these particular lights I recommend a flood per plant....I only use the blue during veg, and into the 2nd week of bloom.....then I switched to red.....the panels were installed l8 because I was using them elsewhere....I will be putting them in my bix box when this plant is done (see my grow journal "old timer's first time"......

I don't recommend anyone go out and buy these just yet, unless the money isn't an issue. New ones are coming out soon....they will be stand alone LED grow lights.....and the prices will drop.....but if you must, then what I have done works just fine....keep all other conditions ideal, and the first plant will pay for the lights.

I am only trying to show people that they work.....especially for a mother plant......

I have now taken my plant to "planet ito"....switching my bloom cycle to 21h36m on/12h off......wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
kk 1 per plant 6 plant so 6 floods each, I am just trying to cut my electric use, I use HPS and cfl combo


Active Member
just an fyi, LEDs use little energy have low heat bc they light output is SO SMALL. if you had the same amount of wattage going to the LEDs at other lights, they would be just as hot.

this is wrong. LED's don't emit any heat because they don't emit any wavelengths in the infrared spectrum. it's all purely visible light.

E=hv (v is frequency of light, h planks constant, E energy input or bandgap energy (can be tuned based on material used in the diode))

it operates on the same phenomenon as the silicon semiconductors in your computer however instead of heat frequencies ie. infrared being released (why your processor needs a fan), visible light is released. hence LIGHT emitting diode. that's why they have so much potential to be much more efficient if you can tune v to be an optimal spectrum for growing plants.

also, to the op. what are you doing about smell? i'm thinking of making a similar set up to yours with cfl's and led panels and was curious if you were doing something for that.


Well-Known Member
So all seems to be well on Planet Ito. Lots of new growth inside of buds. Plan to run ttl of two weeks. Buds crawling up stalks and thickening. Mind you they are all about the size of bic lighters, but hey I'm using LEDs and CFLs so by rights they shouldn't have even made this far. Still hoping for the best tho!

21 daze till finish.


crazy monkey

Active Member
Hi, I am new to this forum, My first one to be exact. I have been using a set up of 4 1000w MH to grow and switch to 4 HPS and 1 MH for bloom. 5000w total in a 10 x 10 room. 8 plants left and 8 plants right, small walkway in center. my best so far in less then 4 months is 5.5lbs. 2 8" centrifugal fans to manage heat. 24hrs on then 12/12.No bug problems, no mold problems. Using blueberry and White Widow for now. I need to be more efficient with power and stuff. I just bought (3weeks ago) 2 1000w replacment kits (240w leds)from cost $1575 for each kit and shipping.(xtra discount for 2 kits, call them). I got 20 4" blue bulbs and 40 6" Red. I have replaced on side of my room so far and took out 2 1000w fix. As far as i can tell, I will be the first to try something so big. So far I messed up and left the lights on for a few days 24 a day in the bloom stage so my right side has slowed it looks like. I will have to do another crop until i can give full opinion on these. If they lower my electric bill, and grow the same, i will be happy. I am also swiching my eletric house water heater to natural gas tankless on-demand hot water heater. I fert once a week with a very strong mix and use a rainbird auto watering system once a day for 30 sec. I am full auto just about and can turn over 4.5 to 5.5 lbs in 3 to 4 months. no CO2 generator but i have my Gas dryer vented into the room(free CO2). I have a wind tunnel from using 2 8" fans so no need for co2 enrichment, sucks out too quick anyway. I will keep all posted on how things go.

I built my light bar from hOme depot, right angle aluminum, 1.5" flat aluminum, 16ga. lamp cord, 60 light bulb sockets. Think of a city grid, thats what it looks like.


Well-Known Member
Hi, I am new to this forum, My first one to be exact. I have been using a set up of 4 1000w MH to grow and switch to 4 HPS and 1 MH for bloom. 5000w total in a 10 x 10 room. 8 plants left and 8 plants right, small walkway in center. my best so far in less then 4 months is 5.5lbs. 2 8" centrifugal fans to manage heat. 24hrs on then 12/12.No bug problems, no mold problems. Using blueberry and White Widow for now. I need to be more efficient with power and stuff. I just bought (3weeks ago) 2 1000w replacment kits (240w leds)from cost $1575 for each kit and shipping.(xtra discount for 2 kits, call them). I got 20 4" blue bulbs and 40 6" Red. I have replaced on side of my room so far and took out 2 1000w fix. As far as i can tell, I will be the first to try something so big. So far I messed up and left the lights on for a few days 24 a day in the bloom stage so my right side has slowed it looks like. I will have to do another crop until i can give full opinion on these. If they lower my electric bill, and grow the same, i will be happy. I am also swiching my eletric house water heater to natural gas tankless on-demand hot water heater. I fert once a week with a very strong mix and use a rainbird auto watering system once a day for 30 sec. I am full auto just about and can turn over 4.5 to 5.5 lbs in 3 to 4 months. no CO2 generator but i have my Gas dryer vented into the room(free CO2). I have a wind tunnel from using 2 8" fans so no need for co2 enrichment, sucks out too quick anyway. I will keep all posted on how things go.

I built my light bar from hOme depot, right angle aluminum, 1.5" flat aluminum, 16ga. lamp cord, 60 light bulb sockets. Think of a city grid, thats what it looks like.

wow... that sound nice.. i wish i had that kind of money n space to grow that much... lucky bastard.. LoL..


Well-Known Member
Hi, I am new to this forum, My first one to be exact. I have been using a set up of 4 1000w MH to grow and switch to 4 HPS and 1 MH for bloom. 5000w total in a 10 x 10 room. 8 plants left and 8 plants right, small walkway in center. my best so far in less then 4 months is 5.5lbs. 2 8" centrifugal fans to manage heat. 24hrs on then 12/12.No bug problems, no mold problems. Using blueberry and White Widow for now. I need to be more efficient with power and stuff. I just bought (3weeks ago) 2 1000w replacment kits (240w leds)from cost $1575 for each kit and shipping.(xtra discount for 2 kits, call them). I got 20 4" blue bulbs and 40 6" Red. I have replaced on side of my room so far and took out 2 1000w fix. As far as i can tell, I will be the first to try something so big. So far I messed up and left the lights on for a few days 24 a day in the bloom stage so my right side has slowed it looks like. I will have to do another crop until i can give full opinion on these. If they lower my electric bill, and grow the same, i will be happy. I am also swiching my eletric house water heater to natural gas tankless on-demand hot water heater. I fert once a week with a very strong mix and use a rainbird auto watering system once a day for 30 sec. I am full auto just about and can turn over 4.5 to 5.5 lbs in 3 to 4 months. no CO2 generator but i have my Gas dryer vented into the room(free CO2). I have a wind tunnel from using 2 8" fans so no need for co2 enrichment, sucks out too quick anyway. I will keep all posted on how things go.

I built my light bar from hOme depot, right angle aluminum, 1.5" flat aluminum, 16ga. lamp cord, 60 light bulb sockets. Think of a city grid, thats what it looks like.
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