My little babies!!


Well-Known Member
Thank you. I hope i have an impressive growth rate. I read a thing Jorge Cervantes wrote in High Times' 2007 Special Grow Editon where he was giving a seminar to growers and they kept asking him the secret to growing. He finally told them the secret is "Give your plants what they need when they need it and keep them growing as fast as possible at all times. Never let them slow down. Thats the secret." So thats what im trying to do. Key word is "trying" (i hope and think im doing a good job). Give them what they need (or what i think they need at least) and keep them growing as fast as i can. Never let them slow down. So far its working. Now once i get this color back in them everything will be great again. They are still growing good, im just not liking the color so much. Ive seen i coming on for about 3 weeks now so im pretty sure its cause they arent getting enough nutes...but that will soon change :) So hopefully they will be at 100% again in a few days. I mean, they only have about 5-6wks left anyways. I hope i can get them going full speed again before harvest! Wish me luck everyone!!


Well-Known Member
Just for my own piece of mind, it is normal for plants to start losing a little color as they age and flower right? Its only the top parts of the plants, mainly new growth. Im pretty sure its cause they are needing more nutes now that they are getting bigger, but some color loss is normal as you switch from veg to flower (and veg nutes to flower nutes) right? I hope so, i dont want to get this far and have them shit out on me...god that would suck!


Well-Known Member
Ok, well this is just the starting of the second week of flowering. I think they just need more nutes since they are bigger and taking up more water. I think we will start watering less more often instead of alot twice a week (hope that makes sense :P ) Anyhoo, i hope we get it figured out. There is nothing wrong with them really, they are still very very healthy and growing fast its just i am a perfectionist i guess and any sign of something out of the ordinary kinda worries me. I guess i should just stop over analyzing everything and let them do what they do. Thanks for the help dude.


Well-Known Member
Ok, i dont know what happened but these things fucking changed over night. They look so amazing now, and we have 10 confirmed females with about 12 left that we arent so sure about!!! But we did get rid of 3 more males today. And the pots we have removed males and small ones from are still doing excellent! One of them has pistils EVERYWHERE. Damn these things go fast once they start flowering huh? Talk about exciting!!! Well anyways, heres some new pics. We added 3 T-5's 54w/5000lumens/6500k each for added light and spectrum. AMAZING!!!!

These were taken after watering and when the lights had just gone off. We had to put the lights up and kinda ran out of time. This is the first and last time we will open the door when its dark.

The first 2 you can see its a female! The next 2 are just some pics of the plants. And the last one you can see the T-5's



Well-Known Member
And heres some more of all the plants and the T-5's. I think this extra 15,000 lumens of blue light is really gonna kick some ass :) I mean 15,000 is like a small HID huh? What do you think of them now? Gonna really start the bloom nutes next watering. We started some Open Sesame today so maybe they will take off in the next day or so and we can identify the remaining 14 or so. I think more than half of the remaining are male but im pretty sure about 6 or 7 are female. I dont think 20 females out of around 40 or so plants was bad. About average right? 50/50 Please excuse the mess though, we didnt get the wires all taped up yet. You cant tell it from the pic, but all of the wires are almost flush with the wall so they arent in the way at all but im a neat freak and i dont like how they look. Gotta fix that tomorrow. We just wanted to get them in the dark.



Well-Known Member
And heres some more of all the plants and the T-5's. I think this extra 15k of blue light is really gonna kick some ass. What do you think?!?
More light should always be good :) but in flower i think they prefer the red spectrum and in veg blue? I could be wrong but I had done a lot of reading on it when I was getting LED's cuz i wanted to promote bloom so ended up with red. I'm sure the light will be beneficial regardless!

here, i found soem thing on the spectrums:

200 - 280 nm UVC ultraviolet range which is extremely harmful to plants because it is highly toxic.
280 - 315 nm
Includes harmful UVB ultraviolet light which causes plants colors to fade.
315 - 380 nm
Range of UVA ultraviolet light which is neither harmful nor beneficial to plant growth.
380 - 400 nm
Start of visible light spectrum. Process of chlorophyll absorption begins. UV protected plastics ideally block out any light below this range.
400 - 520 nm
This range includes violet, blue, and green bands. Peak absorption by chlorophyll occurs, and a strong influence on photosynthesis. (promotes vegetative growth)
520 - 610 nm
This range includes the green, yellow, and orange bands and has less absorption by pigments.
610 - 720 nm
This is the red band. Large amount of absorption by chlorophyll occurs, and most significant influence on photosynthesis. (promotes flowering and budding)
720 - 1000 nm
There is little absorption by chlorophyll here. Flowering and germination is influenced. At the high end of the band is infrared, which is heat.
from Marijuana Grow Light Guide


Well-Known Member
Nah, its best to cover the whole spectrum. If you are going to use only one then use blue for veg and red for flower. But its best to cover the whole thing. Thats why they make those really expensive full spectrum HPS bulbs. Thanks though.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else have any experience with mixing either HPS and MH or HPS and t-5's with pics? I cant wait to see the difference these make. I know it will make a world of difference. Especially on the next grow when they will be getting all that light from start to finish even through the 20/4 vegging. Oh, and be in a pot by themselves of course :) God its going to be amazing!!!


Well-Known Member
And heres some more of all the plants and the T-5's. I think this extra 15,000 lumens of blue light is really gonna kick some ass :) I mean 15,000 is like a small HID huh? What do you think of them now? Gonna really start the bloom nutes next watering. We started some Open Sesame today so maybe they will take off in the next day or so and we can identify the remaining 14 or so. I think more than half of the remaining are male but im pretty sure about 6 or 7 are female. I dont think 20 females out of around 40 or so plants was bad. About average right? 50/50 Please excuse the mess though, we didnt get the wires all taped up yet. You cant tell it from the pic, but all of the wires are almost flush with the wall so they arent in the way at all but im a neat freak and i dont like how they look. Gotta fix that tomorrow. We just wanted to get them in the dark.
Looking pretty good bro. I sent you a link to my grow journal. Let me know what you think. I'll bet it smells like a skunk massacre in that shed lmao.


Well-Known Member
Your right. It use to smell like a bag full of skunk's assholes as soon as you step in that white tent!!! Let alone in the shed. After making that homemade filter and using some Ona Gel the smell is really faint now. You can only smell them really bad when you open the door. Then its like getting hit in the face with that said bag of skunk assholes :) But its a good stink ya know? I can only imagine what its going to smell like when they bud. And these are just bagseed. Cant wait to start the jock, silver pearl, durban poinson and diesel :) You need to get the show on the road!!


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to do a before, middle, now kinda thing. First pic is day 14, second is day 24, the third is day 29, the next one is day 33, and the last is today day 41 which is the 7th day of flowering. I dunno, but i think they have grown at a pretty good rate. I just tried to keep them growing as fast as possible at all times and give them what they needed when they needed it. Im so excited that i seen all those pistils today. They werent there 2 days ago and now they are visible from standing up, you dont even have to look for them. If that happened that fast i cant wait to see how fast they pack on the pounds!!!



Well-Known Member
Just wanted to do a before, middle, now kinda thing. First pic is day 14, second is day 24, the third is day 29, the next one is day 33, and the last is today day 41 which is the 7th day of flowering. I dunno, but i think they have grown at a pretty good rate. I just tried to keep them growing as fast as possible at all times and give them what they needed when they needed it. Im so excited that i seen all those pistils today. They werent there 2 days ago and now they are visible from standing up, you dont even have to look for them. If that happened that fast i cant wait to see how fast they pack on the pounds!!!
I switched my mothers to 24 hours of CFL goodness. Haven't seen you today. Wanted to say the ladies are looking mighty fine.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
shit im just having this thought on how majy ounces your going to have at the end. :D Nice grow, i like your girls. Peace


Well-Known Member
Well i hope so. We put alot of time, money and effort into this. Oh and we have another confirmed gal! So thats 11 so far. Lets just hope they dont grow balls :) As far as how much im going to get, i dont know. But im thinking it will be close to 10-15oz? That might be "high" hopes but there nothing wrong with hoping for the best huh? Thanks for the support guys. Now that they are flowering they are looking better every day. Oh, and that open sesame we started should help tremedously then we will do beastie bloomz for about 2 weeks (3-5 waters) then cha ching for another 3-5...then its flushing time! So every nute we have is for a purpose and its doing its job.

Foxfarm Ocean Forest
Foxfarm Open Sesame, Beastie Bloomz, ChaChing
pH of 6.2-6.4 during veg and we allow it to get a little higher during flowering to take up more nutes.
Earth Juice Grow, Bloom, Catalyst, and Mircoblast
Pureblend Hydroguard, Clearex for flush and Cal-Mag Plus which is fucking awesome stuff.
Dynagro Pro-Tekt

So it seems like a lot of stuff but remember just adding a bunch of nutes isnt necassarly a good thing, but all this stuff is for one certain thing and used at precise times so its doing an amazing job so far. If anyone has any questions about any of these nutes please by all means ask. Yes i am be new to indoor growing, but i have been around it for about 10 years. I have also read hundreds if not thousands of pages on the net, 5 grow books, and years and years of High Times subscriptions. I have first hand experience with these and i can tell you what they are for and the changes i have seen while using them. Cause remember, part of the reason for the number of plants and plants per pot of this grow was to test stuff. On some we used certain things than on others so we could see a difference and let me tell you that cal mag is incredible stuff especially for soil which almost always is a little low on calcium, magnesium and other trace minerals. Anyhooooo ask away if you want.


Active Member
Hey everyone i will now be using the alias ThickSmoker because i was banned for upsetting a mod because i said that temps of 100+ are too high and 55- are to low. So this is my new name until he lifts the ban


Active Member
first attempt at growing hydroponically..... germinated seeds and now I have seedlings directly under a flourescent light in super starter plugs. They are about 2 inches tall and look healthy, byt no sign of roots on the exterior of the plug yet. How long does is normally take to see roots???


Well-Known Member
looking so nice & ur experimenting. Ever used Advanced Nutrients? will be keeping up with ur grow. keep updating..


Well-Known Member
Yeah thats about right. As soon as we seen the seeds crack and alittle tap root we put them in the root plugs. I would say it was about 6 days before we seen roots coming out of the plugs. Then you just transplant the whole plug to your soil. These rapid rooter plugs are amazing! And pccdrom thanks man. Yeah this is kind of an experiment. But as of now we have 12 females and i think about 10-14 more that we arent sure enough yet but almost half of those are females we believe. But no, i have never used advanced nutrients. I have heard good stuff though. We use earth juice, pureblend pro, foxfarm and dyna-gro. Trying to keep it organic. The only thing is the open sesame, beastie bloomz, and chaching have some inert ingredients that are truely organic :(