My Little CFL Grow


Active Member
Glad to hear she is flowering strong. I've never used hps myself but im sure youre gonna get some dense buds


Active Member
Hey, I'm sorry to hear about the males. I've been poking around your grow and I've gotta say it looks good! I'm sure the one girl that's left will reward you greatly;)


looking good. im a total nubey but it looks like every thing is going well. the pic's of the male pre flowers was really helpful to show how to sex plants. thanks man.


Active Member
def. keep us updated as i am reactivating my grow of which is similar to yours. hopefully to soon have some pics up=)


Active Member
Seeing that puts a smile on my face so I can only guess how happy it makes you feel. Can't wait to see how this grow develops!


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys, went to look at her this morning and i got white pistils forming everywhere. Top is about formed to so thats always a good thing to see


Well-Known Member
It cracks me up to look at the views compared to the replies on my thread. Eh any way here is some new shots of her development. Were two weeks in and i can tell i need my HPS. Just waiting on it to get here.



Well-Known Member
hey guys long time no talk...Sorry i have been a stranger had some things go crazy round here. The lady was doing great up till about three weeks ago. I had 2 deaths in the famly that caused me travel out side of the area for 2 weeks. When i came home i came home to a bad suprise, i knew it was going to happen, but i had my fingers crossed. She had wilted and half dried out. With out me being there for 2 weeks to take care of her shit bit the dust. I know that this was a loss, but nothing compaired to the mother in law and aunt that passed. In the process of all this a few of my orders came in and i am excited about starting. Ill post some pics of the new goodies tonight. One in which only took seven days from the date of order to hit my safe drop spot