My little girls. Suggestions...


Active Member
Hi guys.
It is my first indoor grow and i believe it goes well. I have 4 Short riders fem and 3 master kush fem from Nirvana. They are all 47 days old. I am using two 250W HPS. Humidity is between 45-70% and temperature between 19 to 27 degrees. I was veg. my master kush for one month under 18/6 light and now its already 17 days into flowering (12/12) but still no flower signs on the plant! Is that normal?
See the pictures below. Any suggestion/comment is welcomed!



Active Member
Any chance u got some light leak over there? You got them huge kush indica leaves its hard to say.. the rest look like they are showing nicely for 17 days but thats a good question about the kush.. not firmiliar with the strain but you should be able to see pistils at the stem or seed bracts at least by now.. check closely below the leaves? love 250's by the way