My Little Setup!!


Well-Known Member
You are going to have some serious issues as they get bigger. Never ever a good idea to plant multiple plants in the same pot. Soon the roots will get entangled and they will be fighting for the nutes in the soil. Not all 3 will make it. If I were you, I'd immediately transplant 2 into individual pots. And the pot you have them in now is wayyyyyy too big. Start with a small 3" pot and move to a 5" and then 1 gallon.


Well-Known Member
you need to get them in ther own pots, water and electricity dont mix to well so you need to think about this?


Well-Known Member
My first grow, i put 3 in one pot, kind had2 and everything worked out fine, also i know a few friends that do the same.. it can hurt it but... depends


Well-Known Member
Well, I guess it depends on your definition of "fine". If you mean getting the plants to maturity, that's one thing. If you are talking harvesting some killer buds, that's another. All I can say is that there's no way 3 of my plants would ever survive in one pot. They are too big and too bushy. I can only imagine what little light would penetrate the upper canopy, not to mention the constant battle to absorb nutes by the competing root structures. Can it be done? I suppose. Would I want to waste my time and resources for a sub-par harvest? No way. Take my advice and spend the extra $10 to get more pots and soil.

My first grow, i put 3 in one pot, kind had2 and everything worked out fine, also i know a few friends that do the same.. it can hurt it but... depends