My lower back has destroyed my life


Well-Known Member
Hurt my back for the 3rd time way back in 2011 at work, I ended up quitting after 12 years as a mechanic there, my injury work incident was closed long ago....Im now 42 and been in a boat load of pain for the past 2 years....I had a chiro adjustment last thursday I had about 11 adjustments this year from him but this time ouch...

It was tender after, the day after it was sore, 2 days later I almost fainted from I dunno a panic attack from the exteeme pain. A massage lady barely pressed my back and my ears started ringing really loud, I broke out in prespiration and almost fainted... I started getting major sciatica in my right leg back in april, it got better but now its twice as worse...

Anyone ever get cortisone steroids injected into your spine and have success? The neorologist wants to do this to me after getting a mri, Im scared so shitless of getting a spinal fusion I have entered into depression and have a hard time eating today...My self esteem is zero and I feel like im at the end of the line...I barely have space in my spine right above the sacrum..My back looks crooked for 6 months now

Anyone have major back problems past the point of average pain and into the extreme that could lend me some positive vibes with success stories? All my hobbies are over, the only thing I do is grow pot for my hobby
The shots help a little for about 5 - 7 days then it's back to normal. When I say a little I mean a little. I am not a fan of them and stopped going. Also afraid of a needle near my spine. I weighed the cost / benefit and decided it's not enough relief.
My first fusion lasted 19 years. I'm/ was a Sparky. Was pain free most of the time. Just had adjacent segment fusion done 4/18. I didn't become a junky... and i'm pretty much pain free. 54YO. This is what I have for hardware. L4 L5 S1
The injections led to sever Cataracts... Look it up.
I had as many as you could back in 99, won't do them again. Nasty shit and tons of danger.
The TENS unit that my acupuncture lady has really does wonders. When my back muscles are locked up from spasm and are pulling on the vertebra making the nerve pain even worse, she puts the pins in and connects the TENS unit to the pins and after about 20 minutes I am done. The next day the relief is amazing.
Hurt my back for the 3rd time way back in 2011 at work, I ended up quitting after 12 years as a mechanic there, my injury work incident was closed long ago....Im now 42 and been in a boat load of pain for the past 2 years....I had a chiro adjustment last thursday I had about 11 adjustments this year from him but this time ouch...

It was tender after, the day after it was sore, 2 days later I almost fainted from I dunno a panic attack from the exteeme pain. A massage lady barely pressed my back and my ears started ringing really loud, I broke out in prespiration and almost fainted... I started getting major sciatica in my right leg back in april, it got better but now its twice as worse...

Anyone ever get cortisone steroids injected into your spine and have success? The neorologist wants to do this to me after getting a mri, Im scared so shitless of getting a spinal fusion I have entered into depression and have a hard time eating today...My self esteem is zero and I feel like im at the end of the line...I barely have space in my spine right above the sacrum..My back looks crooked for 6 months now

Anyone have major back problems past the point of average pain and into the extreme that could lend me some positive vibes with success stories? All my hobbies are over, the only thing I do is grow pot for my hobby
I was recently diagnosed with chronic thoracic myofascial pain. I thought I had a herniated disc or bulging disc. It felt like someone was poking my lungs when I bend at the waist. They told me to go to therapy and I did twice (10-14 session both times) but that didnt really work. If you dont know your diagnosis I recommend stretching/Yoga. Id ask your doctor if its ok. Anybody at any age can do it but you have to be consistent with it. Start out with beginner stretches. Im pretty flexible and when I do some moves I can feel whats tight. Ive been stretching for 2 hours a day for months now. I know my body more than ever and I can feel whats tight and whats not. To see the benefits youll need to stretch for months. Its best to implement it now until the rest of your life at least everyday. You can stretch anywhere too. Do the whole body starting from feet to neck. If you find yourself bored start stretching.
If your chiropractor didn't take x rays don't go back and find a new one.

Need to go a lot more than once a month to straighten out what's going on with back pain if they can help, sometimes they can't.

I couldn't get out of bed a few years ago with back pain. Finally went to chiropractor and after the 1st visit felt so much better. I still go but monthly now. When i started I went 2 times a week for 6 months than once a week for like another year.

Posture pump is what I use for my neck and back between visits and it works great.
Man I gotta herniated disk... back in 03’ I improperly lifted a cooler full of ice and beer...
Physical therapy saved me...
no cutting on me so far... my brother is still crying from his back surgery...
Feel for you man. Have been through something similar as you. I have autoimmune issues, AS or Bechtrewes, whatever you want to call it. I'm in a better place now. Try to eat turmeric extract or make your own paste with black pepper and turmeric powder. Magnesium glycinate will also calm you down and helps mitigate side effects of using Cannabis as medicine.

I get so much more relief from using high dose Turmeric paste with black pepper in combination with vapeing Cannabis. I'm of opiates since a year back thanks to this combination. I think you should give it a try. I try to eat 50 dry grams a day in prepared form (paste with black pepper and water). I mix 200g Turmeric powder and 10g black pepper and water and put it to simmer for 1.5 hours. Your doctor won't support it though because Turmeric(curcuminoids) will potentiate almost every drug existing.
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Feel for you man. Have been through something similar as you. I have autoimmune issues, AS or Bechtrewes, whatever you want to call it. I'm in a better place now. Try to eat turmeric extract or make your own paste with black pepper and turmeric powder. Magnesium glycinate will also calm you down and helps mitigate side effects of using Cannabis as medicine.

I get so much more relief from using high dose Turmeric paste with black pepper in combination with vapeing Cannabis. I'm of opiates since a year back thanks to this combination. I think you should give it a try. I try to eat 50 dry grams a day in prepared form (paste with black pepper and water). I mix 200g Turmeric powder and 10g black pepper and water and put it to simmer for 1.5 hours. Your doctor won't support it though because Turmeric(curcuminoids) will potentiate almost every drug existing.
I want to try it, is making your own paste a lot cheaper then just buying tumeric extract? How much water do you put in, after 1.5 hours you just mix the remaining mixture into a paste?

Sorry I know nothing of tumeric making but I just read its good for sciatica and right now i can barely walk cause of leg nerve pain
I want to try it, is making your own paste a lot cheaper then just buying tumeric extract? How much water do you put in, after 1.5 hours you just mix the remaining mixture into a paste?

Sorry I know nothing of tumeric making but I just read its good for sciatica and right now i can barely walk cause of leg nerve pain

It's cheaper and you get the full range of curcuminoids. I've heard good things about Longvida extract with curcumin bounded to soy lecithin. Its pretty expensive, haven't tried it though because it's not available for order in my country.

Try to get the "Haldi" kind. Then you know it's of high quality and purity. Don't bother to buy organic powder. It usually is organic even though it doesn't say so on the packaging.

I've eaten this for so long that I know measurement by eye. It should be like a light creamy soup in consistency before you heat it up. I sometimes need to add water depending on what stove I use to make it. Easiest to use a induction stove, it won't burn to the bottom of the pot.

Use sodium percarbonate or hydrogen peroxide to remove stains!
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Well i had a epidumal steroid injection yesterday, it was not pleasant and I took a small puff or rosin later in the night and had a bad anxiety attack jeezus my hands went numb....

Anyhow today I am in about 80 percent less pain and I can walk again with minimal pain
Well i had a epidumal steroid injection yesterday, it was not pleasant and I took a small puff or rosin later in the night and had a bad anxiety attack jeezus my hands went numb....

Anyhow today I am in about 80 percent less pain and I can walk again with minimal pain
Hope it sticks around for a while...
Hurt my back for the 3rd time way back in 2011 at work, I ended up quitting after 12 years as a mechanic there, my injury work incident was closed long ago....Im now 42 and been in a boat load of pain for the past 2 years....I had a chiro adjustment last thursday I had about 11 adjustments this year from him but this time ouch...

It was tender after, the day after it was sore, 2 days later I almost fainted from I dunno a panic attack from the exteeme pain. A massage lady barely pressed my back and my ears started ringing really loud, I broke out in prespiration and almost fainted... I started getting major sciatica in my right leg back in april, it got better but now its twice as worse...

Anyone ever get cortisone steroids injected into your spine and have success? The neorologist wants to do this to me after getting a mri, Im scared so shitless of getting a spinal fusion I have entered into depression and have a hard time eating today...My self esteem is zero and I feel like im at the end of the line...I barely have space in my spine right above the sacrum..My back looks crooked for 6 months now

Anyone have major back problems past the point of average pain and into the extreme that could lend me some positive vibes with success stories? All my hobbies are over, the only thing I do is grow pot for my hobby
I'm sorry you are going through this. First, get the MRI and if nothing is broken and you have no motor impairment from a herniated or bulging disc try an inversion table twice a day.